Chapter 3

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Tony shook his head, placing his hands over his eyes, as Peter said, "What was Pops talking 'bout? I'm not an Avenger. How does it affect me?"

"I'm not sure, bud... I'm not sure." The billionaire looked out of the car window, watching the buildings disappear whilst Happy drove them back to the Tower. A few more minutes of silence followed before Tony finally asked, "What do you want for your birthday this year, kiddo?"

"That's not for- Oh... I don't know.... haven't really thought about it," Peter mumbled, realising that his birthday was a whole lot closer than it felt. This whole 'I've been asleep for half a year' thing was strange and unnerving to him. He couldn't imagine how waking up in the future - like his Pops, would have felt. "I guess whatever I said I wanted for Christmas..."

Christmas. That had been so long ago for Tony, yet for Peter it had never came. It had been the worse holiday in the history of winters for the philanthropist. Not the first without family, just the first where he was missing the people he loved. "Right..." the man said quickly, trying to move on from the current topic: it was just a little too awkward to discuss right now, "What about what you want for lunch?"

Peter threw a quick glance at his father before smiling and saying, "KFC? I know you don't like that kind of food, but I was kidnapped... and tortured"

Tony glared at his son, trying not to panic. That other kid- Harley he swiftly remembered, the one who had helped him out when everyone thought he was dead: he had been great at bringing anxiety attacks upon him. Hell, that kid was probably the biggest stress inducer there was! His own son was nearly as bad. "Peter..."

"And I was in a coma for six months," Peter stated calmly. However the young boy wasn't feeling very calm, his mind was taking him back to his time with Hydra. The worst time of his life. Yet he really wanted to go to KFC, Tony never let them go there, the billionaire always made them eat out at fancy restaurants, or stay at home.

"Stop! Peter, alright? I can't hear this stuff without... without feeling like this was all my fault. If it weren't for me having a go at Steve, we wouldn't have gone our own separate ways. You'd have never stayed there. Hydra would never have found you," the man choked, rubbing his eyes to hide the tears. "We can go to KFC... for you, buddy... okay?"

"Thanks, Dad," the boy whispered, leaning against his father's shoulder. "I don't blame you. It's not your fault. You didn't do anything. It was all Mister Criminal's fault."

Tony raised an eyebrow at his son's nickname for Zemo. "Mister Criminal? You've got heart, kiddo. You really see the best in people. Even when they are insane psychopaths."

Peter smirked. He was back with his dad, and everything was going great.

What could go wrong?

Other than all that nonsense with the Sokovia Accords...

But that wouldn't lead to anything...


* * *

Steve thought back to a conversation he and Bucky had had prior to everything. And by everything, he meant the incident of his son being kidnapped.

"Steve..." Bucky mumbled, placing his pint of beer back down on the table. He stared at the foaming liquid before continuing to speak. "I killed Howard."

"You what?" laughed Steve, almost choking on his drink. He glanced across at the brunet, surveying his expression. It was solemn, but sad, emotionless, yet guilty. He wasn't sure if he had heard right, though; Bucky couldn't have possibly killed the genius that both had grown to love (or maybe just tolerate) during the war.

Bucky shook his head. "I killed him, and his wife - Maria, I think. They were my mission. I never fail a mission..." he exclaimed, turning to face away from his boyfriend. He couldn't bring himself to look at the blond. He would feel too guilty. Too ashamed.

"You did fail one... you didn't kill me. You saved me." Steve blinked, holding back the tears. He could picture the moment. He could replay it through his mind. He was injured - in agony, even. Bucky was there, about to land the killing blow. But he hesitated. He didn't kill him. He just watched as the ground gave way and Steve plummeted. Steve could still remember the wave of memories that flooded his pal's face as he realised who he was fighting. As he realised who his mission was.

"That was different. I didn't exactly like Howard, did I, punk?"

Steve raised his eyebrows. He then exhaled before saying, "So you... The Winter Soldier killed Tony's dad?"


"Right... that's, we should tell Tony."

Bucky placed his hand onto Steve's, making sure to gain his partner's attention. "No. He already hates me for just being your boyfriend. He'd kill me, Steve."

Knowing that was true, Steve calmly replied, "Fine..." Then, muttered to himself, "I knew it wasn't an accident but I never imagined it was you."

* * *

Later that evening, Steve assembled the team. They were all there; Ross had said they had to be. Well everyone was there except Clint. The archer had retired - something about needing to be with his family, and not constantly risking his life. "So some of you know why you are here, some of you don't," the General began. He was the only person not sat down.

"What is it?" Wanda piped, pointing to the screen showing documents and warfare plans, as she rested her head on Vision's shoulder, "We should be doing something better than this. We're not Hydra. We don't plan battles against others."

Nat shook her head. "She's right. If this a planned attack it reminds me too much of my... my previous jobs."

"That is not what this meeting is about, Agent Romanoff," Ross declared, silencing the assassin. "As you all know, you - The Avengers, are the saviours of peace. You protect everyone."

"Go on," Tony said, whilst tapping his feet rhythmically against the floor. He started to click a pen, but was stopped by the glare his Captain sent towards him.

Ross sighed. "But with you also comes death. Tragedy. Disaster. Hundreds of people die, and there are thousands of casualties."

"And how many more people do we save?" Sam snapped, leaning back in his seat. "I understand that some lives are lost. But without us there would be no survivors. None!"

"Mister Wilson, if you would please listen for a minute... For the past 4 years, you operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution. The Sokovia Accords. Approved by one hundred and seventeen countries. It states, that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they'll operate under the supervision of a United Nations Panel, only when and if that Panel deems it necessary."

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