Chapter 8

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A few hours later, Steve received a call. He had been expecting it, waiting for it even. Ever since the modestly sized television in the corner of his and Bucky's bedroom lit up with a a news article about the Wakandan King T'Chaka's death, and how The Winter Soldier was supposedly behind it, he had been sat on his bed, clutching his phone.

It wasn't Bucky, though. Steve knew that. It wasn't just hunch. The soldier just knew that his boyfriend would never commit such an awful crime. However, the video that had been released showed a man who looked very much like Bucky and had consequently been identified as James Buchanan Barnes. It wasn't him... he hoped.

Natasha was there, though. At the conference. The one which has been bombed. He could only pray she was okay. What was he talking about? Of course she was okay. She's the Black Widow, nothing can beat her. Maybe nothing but the love that is directed to her friends. Her family.


That was Nat. She sounded slightly shaken, maybe even shocked, but other than that she seemed okay. "You alright?" Steve asked, his fingers crossed for good news.

It felt like an eternity had gone by before he got his answer. "Yeah, I'm okay. Got lucky, I guess... Just... I know how much Barnes means to you. I really do. Stay home. You'll only make this worse. For all of us. Please."

There goes Plan A. If he can't go looking for Bucky, or this person who claims to be Bucky, what is he meant to do? Just sit around and twiddle his thumbs? No way. That won't happen. That can't happen. "Are you saying you'll arrest me?" He wouldn't put it past her but after the law few years he doubted she would be that cold towards him.

He heard a sigh from the other end of the call. "No. Someone will, if you interfere. That's how it works now."

Steve shuddered. How had he forgotten about the new laws that came with the Sokovia Accords? Now he couldn't act without governmental permission because he'd be breaking the freaking law. Excuse him for his language but he was really freaking done.

"If that was actually... if that was actually Buck, then shouldn't I be the one to bring him in? The only reason he'd be acting like this if if Hydra got him again," he said, his voice breaking every few syllables. "I'm the only person who has ever brought him out of that trance. Shield will need me."

"Shield can take him, Steve. They won't kill him. I can promise you that but they'll be able to sedate him. Maybe after a few forensics and lie detector tests they'll let you see him."

Natasha was struggling to lie. Steve could hear how untrue it was just by the way she was saying it. He needed another way to get to his boyfriend.

"I've got another good reason why I should be the one."

"What?" the assassin snapped.

"I'm the one least likely to die trying."


* * *

"Hiya, Mr Stark," Ned said as he walked into the penthouse's lounge. "Woah this place is so cool."

The teen took his hat off, only for it to be grabbed by Peter, who quickly placed it on his head. Peter grinned; he was finally going to be able to introduce his Dad to his best friend. Tony shook his head in bemusement. His son really was a goofball.

"Hey..." he looked over to his kid, who was mouthing 'N' towards him. Okay. Simple. That meant that the other nerd's name began with N. The billionaire could easily work that out, after all he was a genius. "Ned," he finished. "Nice to meet you. And, call me Tony."

Peter glanced over to his friend, watching as Ned's eyes lit up. His friend was a huge Iron Man fan so obviously this was going to be a huge deal for him. "Oh my god," Ned whispered to Peter, "Tony Stark said we're on a first name basis."

The Spiderling laughed. "Dad?"

"Yeah, kiddo?"

"Ned and I are gonna go play Minecraft on the Xbox. See you in a bit."

"Okay, Pete. Have fun."

* * *

Steve walked up to Bucky. His hair was slightly shorter. He was wearing a maroon jacket. But, it was his Bucky. The Bucky he hadn't seen in six months. "Do you know me?" he asked, his eyes flickering back towards Sam, occasionally. They were in Romania, Bucharest to be precise.

"You're Steve..." Bucky replied, slowly. "I read about you in a museum." Steve quickly realised that Bucky was back to himself yet he didn't have his memories. Stupid Hydra and their stupid mind-wipes.

"They've set the perimeter." That was Sam. He was talking about the German Special Forces that were rapidly approaching from the south. They didn't have long but Steve needed to get his Bucky back.

"I know you're nervous," the Captain said, taking a step towards his boyfriend. "And you have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying." He prayed to God that Bucky was lying... if he wasn't, then they were all screwed.

"I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore." Bucky didn't lie, Steve remembered. He never had, even when lying could have saved their sorry asses from Mrs Barnes.

"They're entering the building, Cap."

"Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive," Steve informed Bucky.

"That's smart. Good strategy."

"They're on the roof... I'm compromised!" There goes the first line of defences. Steve guessed it was just him now.

"This doesn't have end in a fight, Buck."

"It always ends in a fight."

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