Chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

My eyelids slowly fluttered open as bright light filled my vision. I brought my hands up to my face to wipe away any debris that may have been in my eyes, and my eyes slowly regained focus on my surroundings. My posters were still hanging in the same spot, my anime plushies were still tucked away on my bench, and even the blemishes on my walls were in the same spot. Everything seemed normal, until I tried to get up. 

I let out a slight grunt as I realized the unfamiliar warmth on my waist. As I looked down, I let out a tiny gasp when I saw two hands grasping my waist tightly. My brain finally got snapped out of my sleepy state, and I regained my senses. My ears twitched a bit when I heard the heavy breathing behind me, and I was accompanied by a warm feeling in my face. I tried to turn my head and see who was cuddling up to me, but a sudden movement from the individual stopped my actions.

A groan escaped the mystery person whilst they nuzzled into my neck. A small giggle erupted from my mouth as their curly hair tickled the back of my scalp. This sudden vibration woke the person up, and a groggy voice filled the atmosphere.

"Mornin'...." An extremely tired voice came from behind me. I immediately recognized who the voice belonged to.

"M-Midoriya?!" I squealed while he snuggled into the crook of my neck.

"What are you doing in my bed!?" Midoriya ignored my question and let out a hum.

"Your hair smells nice..." The boy groaned out, and my face flushed a bright scarlet.

"W-woah! Let go of me!" I shouted out but he denied my request and instead pressed his back against mine, intertwining his legs with my own. He's way too close!  My thoughts were frantic as I tried prying him off my frame. Though my attempts were proved unsuccessful, as his grip was as tight as steel. How am I going to get him off me now?

A sudden thought ran through my head, and I decided to follow my instincts. Giving myself a countdown, I braced for impact and threw my head back as hard as I could. I assumed my plan had worked because I heard a loud groan come from behind me. Midoriya's grip on my body loosened, and I immediately threw the covers off my body and sat up.

I turned back to see Midoriya grasping his chin, and I was given a hard slap of guilt. His pained expression made me realize I may have hit him too hard, so I decided to give him a hug.

"I'm so sorry Midoriya! It's just you wouldn't let go and I didn't know what to do so--"

"I-it's alright (L/N), it's my fault for not letting you go.." He flinched a bit at the sudden contact, but he hugged me back almost instantly. My guilt slowly faded away and I decided to pop the question.

"Why were you in my bed anyway?" I pulled myself away from Midoriya's grasp, and he frowned for a split second before answering.

"We were studying tonight but you suddenly fell asleep, so I decided to go to b-bed too.." His face flushed a bit as he realized the situation he put us into, and he covered his face with his hands. The memories of what happened the night before flooded my mind, and I face palmed in my mind.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Sorry for falling asleep by the way, studying is just boring." My mind relaxed for a second, before I thought of the the note I left for my mom. W-wait, my mom! If she saw us together in bed then she's going to kill me!  I'm guessing Midoriya saw the panicked expression on my face, because he snapped me out of my thoughts.

Mindbreak (Yandere! Izuku Midoriya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now