Chapter 6

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((Y/N) P.O.V)

The cold metal handle was grasped between my palm as I pulled the door open, feeling the chill of the air conditioner. My nostrils were filled with the familiar smell of junk food and plastic whilst I looked into the wonderland of games.

"Ladies first!" I playfully bowed, gesturing towards Korino.

"Thanks, kind gentleman." He responded back in a higher tone, insinuating a more feminine voice. We giggled together and walked into the establishment.

The bright colors of the machines temporarily blinded my vision, and I had to squint. Soft, spongy purple carpet was squished beneath my shoes as we walked towards our favorite machine. It was a basketball machine that had bubble letters saying "Slam! Basket" on the side. Grey was the most dominant color on the machine, but it had orange accents on the coin slots, scoreboard, words, and edges. A short thick piece of glass separated the basketballs and the players, only opening once you inserted a quarter.

Korino and I stood beside each other, playing on a different machine. A jingle perked my ears up and I looked towards the noise. It was Korino's small wallet that had a couple of anime keychains on it. His pale hand reached inside a compartment and pulled out 2 quarters, handing one to me.

"I can pay for myself, ya know." I stated, taking the coin regardless. He let out a snort.

"You'd be disappointed after paying and losing." A snarky tone laced his voice as he responded to my remark.

"We'll see about that." I muttered, loud enough for him to hear.

My thumb inserted the coin into the coin slot, and the glass slid down into the machine, allowing access to the balls. The LED scoreboard displayed the words "Ready, set, GO!" in a deep orange tone. Having the ball ready in my hands, I instantly started shooting towards the hoop. Korino mirrored my actions, and we both got lost into the intense game. A minute goes by before the warning noise of a countdown starts playing from the machine, indicating that there was only a few seconds left.

My hand instantly reached for a ball and got ready to shoot my last shot. However, before I could shoot, a masculine hand pushed at the top of my ball. This caused it to fall back into the machine and the time ran out, not allowing me to shoot again. A confused expression painted itself on my face and I looked towards Korino who was smirking. I understood the situation once I saw his expression, and my eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

"Kori you cheating asshat!" I exclaimed and started lightly punching and pushing him while he chuckled.

"Ha-h! Sorry!~ Ow!" His arms were placed in a 'x' positon, trying to protect himself from my tiny attacks.

"Well at least I won!" He exclaimed in a sing-song voice, wincing in pain right after as I threw a slightly harder punch.

"Yeah," I gave him one last bonk on the top of his head. "-cause you cheated!"

"Little (Y/N) is salty.~~" 

"Whatever, I'll whoop your ass in Mario Cart anyways." I retorted, grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the Mario Cart machines.

--(Time Skip)--

The screen of the machine turned black, reading the words "Game Over". I let out a small whimper, as I had just died for the 5th time in Pac-Man.

"It's okay to be trash." Korino lazily patted my back, having an expression of fake sorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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