Chapter 4: Welcome to the Force

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The two have gotten a half mile away from the base.

Girl: "How much further?"

Chase: "I have no idea, but I'd keep going!"

They aren't that tired, but they aren't that fast since a half dozen guards are giving chase.

Chase: "(in head) There's got to be a way we can shake these guys off."

They're about to arrive in a city.

Girl: "They're gaining on us!"

They're beginning to slow down.

Chase: "Crap!"

They trip over the pavement the second they arrive.

Chase: "Impossi-"

Bullets dig into the skulls of the men from behind them.

Girl: "Wh-What?"

Two women in slightly torn clothes help the girl and Chase up.

Woman 1: "Two runaway Accelerators in Sector B."

Woman 2: "Can you give us your names?"

The two brush off some dust.

Lisa: "Lisa Drill."

Chase: "Chase Arrows."

The two women freeze at the name."

Woman 2: "We've got a real winner on our side."

Chase: "This, 'Cyan Blur,' thing?"

They can hear more footsteps from the base.

Woman 1: "Follow us!"

Lisa: "O-Okay."

The group runs as fast as they can into the city.

One hour later...

Woman 2: "Down here."

They unlock a hidden doorway underground with a special key. It remains in a normal looking alleyway towards the center of the city.

Chase: "Alright!'

The two jump down as the others climb down and lock the door behind them.

Lisa: "What is this place?"

They stand inside a massive, underground city plaza. The ceiling is twenty feet in the air, two stories with the second one acting as a ring, dozens of people wearing torn clothes and holding small guns at their sides, several storehouses, shops, and barracks at the walls, and some strange teleporters in the dead center with people coming and going.

Woman 1: "Demo Base, Sector B."

They find a staircase leading down.

Chase: "Demo?"

Woman 2: "Guess you haven't heard about us over the past four years."

Lisa: "Y-You're fighting the monopoly government."

They begin to walk down the stairs.

Demo Member 1: "Yeah, and we would've won if they..."

They look at Chase.

Demo Member 2: "... didn't have him."

They arrive at the bottom, with a few members looking shocked at Lisa and Chase.

Chase: "(somewhat annoyed) Seriously, what is this Cyan Blur business that everyone is keeping secret?!"

Demo Member 2: "The admin of Sector B will have all of your answers."

The two Accelerators looks around the large base, taking in their surroundings, and interacting with some hesitant Demo Members.

Fifteen minutes later...

Demo Member 2: "In here."

They stand in front of a room called, "Admin B's Quarters."

Lisa: "(afraid) U-Um..."

Demo Member 1: "Relax..."

They look at Chase.

Demo Member 1: "... he doesn't bite."

Chase grabs Lisa's hand.

Chase: "Relax."

Lisa: "(blushing) U-Um..."

Chase lets go as he opens the door.

???: "So we managed to pull out four Accelerators."

A man wearing battle damaged, camouflage clothing just received the information about the Accelerator issue.

Lisa: "U-Um..."

He turns around to see Lisa and Chase.

Boss: "So you're two of the-"

He quickly recognizes Chase, but not as the Cyan Blur, but instead...

Chase: "D-Dad?!"

His father sheds a single tear.

Boss: "Thank god you were one of them."

Lisa: "H-He's actually your father?"

Chase begins to cry.

Chase: "(crying) Yes."

His father walks up to Chase and puts his hands on his shoulders.

Boss: "Then you know just what we've been doing for the past 4 years."

Chase wipes away the tears, with his metal limbs feeling cold upon contact with his face.

Lisa: "(sniffling) This is beautiful."

Chase's tears subside.

Boss: "So before I even have to explain, are you with Demo?"

Lisa: "Yes! We'll do anything to help other Accelerators!"

Chase has a look of determination in his eyes.

Chase: "(determined) Yes. What other reply is there?"

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