Chapter 15

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After allowing themselves to mourn Faeren, they buried him and gathered stones to place over his grave, marking it with his sword.

"May the gods grant you eternal peace," Lyra whispered. After a moment, she turned to Aiden. "What do we do now? We can't go back."

"No, we can't." He thought for a moment. "The others stayed behind to give us a chance to escape with Faeren. Now he's dead and I haven't the slightest idea what to do now." He felt so lost. His mentor was dead and his companion was someone he barely knew.

Lyra placed her hand on his arm. "First, I want you to take a few deep breaths to keep from panicking on me. Second, we need to try to find any survivors of the battle. Sari's forces were scattering like spooked chickens last I saw them. It'll take her a while to regroup."

"Do we regroup with her?" Lyra suddenly grabbed his head and pulled it down to her level. "What are you doing?"

"Checking for any head wounds."

Aiden couldn't help it. He started laughing. Both at her way of saying "hell no" and the realization of what he asked.

"I guess that was a stupid question."

"You think, Sir Obvious?"

After a moment, he took a deep breath. "Luckily, the Guardians of Veloce don't have uniforms so we may be able to travel freely unless we have a run in with Arlan's men and they recognize me."

"I suggest we keep off the roads and go into towns only when we need provisions or an idea of where to go."

"Like now."

She gave a small laugh. "Like now."

"You sound like you've done this before."

Her smile faded and she frowned. "I did when I was in my early teenage years. I never expected to have to do it again, although much has changed since that time."

"Then let's find a town far from the battlefield."

"There's a town near Paladins' Keep. I think it may be far enough away."

"I hope you know the way."

Lyra only smiled. Aiden had never been to Paladin's Keep. "That I do."


Saren's left arm throbbed painfully. He knew when he'd told Arlan that Faeren was dead that he would look for the Commander's body. And Saren knew he wouldn't find it on the battlefield. He hoped that his words had been false, but Faeren's wounds had looked grave when he last saw him during the battle. He truly hoped that Faeren was recovering somewhere, but his gut told him otherwise.

"Saren," the tense whisper sounded at the window.

The assassin pulled himself up by the bars with his good arm so he could see Neve's face. She was the only other Guardian he knew of aside from Aiden and Lyra to escape death or capture. She could blend in with shadows and make people forget she was there. She, Jean, and Saren had been triplets, the loss of the middle triplet had been felt keenly by them both.

"What have you heard?"

"They found a grave a few leagues north of the battlefield. It's marked with Faeren's sword."

Saren bowed his head. "They weren't able to save him, then."

"No, but I am positive they tried."

"Do you know where they went?"

"They've been trained well. They left no tracks. Arlan's on his way to collect you."

"Then go before they get here."

"I'm going to find Aiden and Lyra. Do not fret if you don't see or hear from me for a while."

"Be careful, sister."

"May Gaia watch over you."

"May Draven keep you."

"I love you, big brother."

"I love you, little sister."

And then Neve was gone. Saren hopped down just as the key was turning in the lock. He could easily pick the lock, but he refused to leave behind his brothers. Arlan entered his cell, followed by a woman with light brown hair holding a staff that looked somewhat familiar but he couldn't place where he'd seen her.

"Seems that some of your brothers escaped with Faeren. You said that he was dead."

"If someone escaped with him, then they must not have realized he was dead. He wasn't breathing when I saw him last."

"Who escaped?"

"How the hell should I know?"

"Don't play coy with me."

"We've had a surge of new recruits since you started to attack us. I don't know everyone."

The woman approached him and Saren watched her. Her clothing left her midriff bare and a slit traveled up on side of her skirt. Each time she took a step, her bare leg would be seen. She ran a finger across his chest. A sudden pain sent him to his knees. She ran the same finger across his jaw and he clinched it from the sudden onset of pain.

"We shall see. We'll have the truth from you once Kyrie gets done with you." Arlan turned on his heel and walked out of the cell.

Kyrie leaned down, grasping his chin in her fingers. "I shall have fun with you," she said with a demented smile. "I will enjoy breaking you." Kyrie released him and he pitched forward, panting. "Enjoy your rest, Guardian. It will be the last you'll ever receive." The door slammed behind her.

Stay hidden, my friends. He silently willed to Aiden and Lyra. Keep low. And Gaia help me.

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