Chapter 69

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Lyra rubbed her forehead. The entire room was quiet. She felt Aiden place his hands on her shoulders.

"Well," Draven said suddenly. "That went perfectly."

No one said a word. Until Shara started snickering. The snickering spread to chuckles. The chuckles turned to small laughs. Lyra had to smile and before they knew it they were all laughing.

"I guess we know where she stands," Daylen said. "I was hoping she would end up joining us."

"I don't think she ever planned on joining us," Will said. "We're on our own."

"We've been on our own for almost seven years."

"We'll have to erode her and Arlan's support."

"Won't be hard to erode her support," Shara said dryly.

Draven suddenly smiled. "I think I just might have an idea on how to do that."


Neve and Draven slipped past Sari's sentries using the Shadows. While the others, with the exception of Grace, had gone to wreak supply lines and rally troops behind them, the two decided to go directly to the camps and whisper from the Shadows. They split up once in the camp to cover more ground. Draven went from tent to tent whispering of the arrival of the heir to the throne and Sari's plan to destroy her brother's only surviving child. The Lord of Shadows could feel the dissension in the camp as he moved silently about. He was satisfied with his handiwork and slipped back out of the camp to the meeting place he and Neve had agreed upon. Only Neve hadn't arrived yet. He gathered the Shadows to him.

"Watch over her and tell me if she is in need of aid." The Shadows dispersed to do Draven's bidding.

Neve knew she was pushing her boundaries and gift by going into the command tent.

"You spoke with him," her captain asked.

Sari sighed. "Yes, he's a Guardian. Faeren's son."

"Faeren didn't have a son. He raised an orphan like he was his own but he wasn't his son."

"I wouldn't have just raised some whore's son."

"You barely raised your own," the captain muttered.

"What was that?"

"What did you think of this heir?"

"He has Mael's commanding presence and now that I think about it he does slightly resemble him a bit. But I will not go as far as to say that he is my nephew."

"And if he is?"

"I will not allow some whore's son to take the throne. Mael may have had a moment of weakness with a noble hunter that couldn't keep her legs together but I will not allow an illegitimate heir to take the throne from me!"

"Illegitimate or not, he is rallying support and gathering an army. It will not be long before he has Veloce united behind him."

Sari sat and rubbed her temples. "We may have no choice but to kill him and his companions."

"You are willing to kill your only son?!"

"He chose that stain over me. He'll die with the rest of them."

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