Chapter 73

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Once inside Citori, the six of them split into three groups, Aiden and Lyra in one, Daylen and Talish in another, and Saren and Neve in the third. Screams of terrified civilians as they fled from the Wilders and ice drakes could be heard as well as the screams of pain and clashing of steel from outside the city. Three of Arlan's men ambushed Aiden and Lyra and they were briefly separated. Aiden felt a sword bit into his arm and he spun around, coming face to face with Arlan.

"I was hoping you'd follow me into the city," he said as Aiden backed away, holding his injured arm. "But I didn't think you were stupid enough to do so alone."

"I didn't come alone."

"You're alone now, boy. Now let's end this once and for all and prove to the country who the true king is."

"Sounds fine by me."

They circled each other before Arlan made the first move. Aiden effortlessly blocked the blow. Arlan continually attacked with Aiden defending before the prince switched their roles and attacked Arlan. Arlan feigned right and when Aiden went to block that side, he quickly switched and sliced into his left leg. Aiden gave a cry of pain but managed not to go down. They locked blades and Arlan kicked Aiden's legs out from under him. As Aiden went to regain his feet, Arlan kicked him again and he went rolling. He did this several more times before Arlan was able to kick Aiden's sword away. Aiden drew his dagger and swiped at Arlan, who jumped back.

He laughed. "What's the point, Aiden?" he sneered. "I am obviously the better fighter."

Aiden swiped again and Arlan grabbed his wrist. The two struggled over the dagger but it was wretched from Aiden's hand, leaving him unarmed.

"You should just concede to me and get it over with."

"Never," Aiden spat.

Arlan placed a boot on the wound on Aiden's leg and applied pressure. He grabbed Arlan's leg, trying to push him off and a cry escaped his lips as the pain shot through him. "Surrender now and I may be merciful and give you a quick death."

"No," Aiden replied through clenched teeth. He cried out again as Arlan applied more of his weight to his wound. "You've torn Veloce apart!"

"If my nephew had been harder on the people, his knight wouldn't have assassinated him."

"So you want to replace a just king with a tyrant."

"The people must be kept in line. You cannot do that by being just." Arlan brought his blade to rest against Aiden's throat. "How did it feel, being forced to deny your own existence all these years? Watching your father dote on his legitimate children while you were forced to live on the streets? What would he have said had he known his bastard had joined the Guardians of Veloce?"

"That is where you're wrong, Arlan. Father knew I was a Guardian. I was never on the street. You will undo everything my father worked for."

"You haven't the right to call him 'father', commoner. Veloce will be put back into order. And I will do it by killing you first."

Suddenly, Arlan bellowed and hobbled backward. He reached down and pulled Lyra's dagger from the leg that had been pressing onto Aiden's wound. Lyra slowly walked towards him, a dangerous look on her face. Aiden'd only seen that look once. Before she killed Alora. She held her sword point up in front of her face. A challenge.

"Well if it isn't the little spell casting bitch."

"That's Guardian spell casting bitch to you, tarse!"

The shock on his face was priceless. He had never known about her much less that there had been a Guardian he didn't know about. He threw the dagger back at her and she deflected it with her sword. He charged at her and she allowed her Paladin training to take over. She easily deflected his attacks. They locked blades and she suddenly twisted her blade around and slammed the pommel into the middle of his face. Blood immediately began to pour from his nose. He shoved her back and she stalked around him like a cougar stalking her prey. Their swords locked again and this time Arlan grabbed her arm and shoved her into the wall, knocking the wind from her lungs. While she was struggling for breath, Arlan went for her again, this time wresting the sword from her hand and throwing her to the ground. She rolled and came to a stop several paces from Aiden.

"I knew a spellcaster once." Arlan examined Lyra's sword. "You remind me a bit of her. Join me, witch, and I may spare your life."

"How stupid do I look?"

"So you choose to continue with this foolishness." He motioned to Aiden. "Supporting a bastard that knows nothing of ruling a country?" Arlan tossed the sword behind him. "Now that you don't have your power, what hope do you have against me?"

Lyra realized that he thought her power came from her sword. He turned towards Aiden again. Lyra pulled herself to one knee, a smirk on her face.

"I can still stop you."

She put the shield up between Aiden and Arlan just as Arlan was bringing his sword down to kill Aiden. The prince didn't even flinch, having faith that Lyra would shield him. The sword hit the shield and bounced back. She flicked her wrist and sent the still surprised Arlan sailing through the air and slamming into a building.

Lyra stood and walked over to Aiden. "How bad are you hurt?"

"Don't worry about me right now," he said, pressing his hand into the wound on his leg. He nodded towards Arlan as he staggered to his feet. "Finish what you started."

She nodded and turned back to Arlan. He gave a cry and charged at Lyra. She threw both of her hands up and Arlan went sailing through the air again.

"You underestimated me. Did you really think I would have been able to call my sword to me if my power was in it?"

"You will not defeat me with your magic, sorceress!"

"Wanna bet?" Lyra raised her hand. "I killed Kyrie, didn't I?"

Arlan froze, all emotion and color draining from his face.

"I am much more powerful than my sister." Lyra reached for the fatal spell she had in mind for him.

"Lyra, don't," Aiden said, knowing which spell she was about to cast. "You are better than that."

She lowered her hand and instead called her sword to her. Arlan sprinted past her.


Lyra sprinted after him before sliding to a stop, knowing he could easily lose her in the streets. She began to mutter a spell. As she did so, she ran a finger across her cheek. She smiled and turned back to Aiden.

"You let him get away?"

"He'd easily lose me in these streets. I don't know the city like he does. He won't get far." She placed a hand on the wound on Aiden's leg and healed it just as the horn of retreat sounded.

Above them, Isis alighted on top of the building. "The city is safe. The Wilders are dead, although I'm afraid we did more damage than we intended."

"Buildings can be rebuilt." Aiden rose and retrieved his sword. The others joined them. He saw that all four of his friends were unhurt. "Glad you're alright."

"The civilians fled to the upper portions of the city," Talish said. "Isis and the others were able to keep the Wilders from following. There's going to be a lot of rebuilding needed."

Aiden nodded and then turned towards Lyra, holding his hand towards her. She took it and he pulled her close. "Thank you. For showing up when you did." Aiden turned back to the rest of the group. "Let's go and see how our army fared."

Together they went down to see the damage the battle had wrought.

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