Chapter 48

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As the former Paladin, Lyra led the way to the Keep. She knew these paths like the back of her hand, having traveled them for so long. Even with the years since she'd left, she knew exactly which paths were the right ones. Aiden bantered with her as they approached the gates. As they drew closer, Lyra froze, her emerald eyes widening and the color draining from her face. Aiden followed her gaze and gasped. The gates had been smashed in. One was laying on the ground, the other hung precariously from its bottom hinge. Horror showed plainly on her face.

"Talish. No," she whispered. "Great Mother, no!" She ran forward.

"Lyra!" Aiden followed her, his sword bare.

The others had their weapons drawn as well and followed after him. When he passed through the gate, he saw her in the middle of the courtyard, the shock and horror on her face and grief in her eyes.

"This can't be." Aiden lowered his sword, shocked at the bodies littering the courtyard.

Most wore the Flame of the Paladin, but many wore the red and black of Arlan. Lyra began to frantically search the bodies.

"What happened here?" Will asked, the shock showing in his voice.

"Why attack the Paladins? Did he find out about Lyra?" Neve asked.

Of all of them, Arlan knew nothing about Lyra. He didn't even know she existed. Aiden knew she was looking for her best friend. He was afraid of what would happen when she did. He feared she would fall apart.

"I doubt it, but check the bodies she hasn't yet and see if there are any survivors," Saren said, solemnly.

"This wasn't a battle," Aiden said. "This was a massacre. Just like the one we survived."

"I have a feeling that Arlan came here planning to make them join him or kill them. I don't think he took any prisoners." Neve was studying the tracks the best she could. "Truthfully, I think he killed everyone in the Keep."

"Check the buildings, Neve," Saren said. "See if anyone escaped to hide."

"Kalmin!" Lyra's cry turned their attention to her. She'd fallen on her knees next to a man with heavy armor and grey hair. He'd been run through twice but his sword was still clutched in his hand. She pulled him close to her. "Oh Kalmin, what did you do? Why did you draw Arlan to you?" She had tears in her eyes and Aiden's heart broke to see her pain.

These were men that whom she'd shared food with. Men she'd spilled blood with. Men she'd lived with and called brothers. This had been as much her family as the Guardians were to him. The others took a few steps back to give her space to mourn her comrades. Aiden moved closer and saw her shoulders were heaving from her sobs. He crouched next to her, gently putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Why?" she whispered.

He pulled her close to him and she wept into his chest. It was only the second time he'd ever seen her cry, but the first time he'd seen that shell of hers completely dissolve. He held her close as she screamed, her grief even greater than when Faeren had died. The others moved into the buildings, leaving her alone to grieve and him to comfort her the best he could.


"That's not good," Shara said as they approached Paladins' Keep.

"Shit." Daylen saw that the gates had been shattered from the outside. Daylen fell to his knees, hopeless, nearly taking Kara with him. The women immediately crouched next to him.

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