Part of the Team

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Morning CCPD;
Ashley was sitting at her desk typing at her computer.
"How has no one wrote anything on dark magic..." she muttered under her breath.
Footsteps brought her head up quickly. Ashley shut her laptop and grabbed a file. She opened it randomly and start reading the page, as Joe walked in.
"Hey." He greeted her.
"Hello Joe! I must say...Your Team is...reliable." Ashley said smiling at him.
Joe laughed and then shook his head.
"They aren't my team. They're more Barry's." Joe corrected her.
"Ah yes. Barry. Where is he again?" Ashley asked her eyes traveling to the empty desk infront of her.
"Dealing with A new comer at Star Labs. Someone guy named Jay Garrick." Joe filled her in.
Ashley nodded and turned her head as a lady with blonde hair and a cop uniform came in.
"Dectective! Didn't expect to see you here in the CSI lab." She said.
"Two times in a row officer. If you must know, my adoptive son, Barry works here, along with Ms. Prince here." Joe said.
"Hiya. I'm Ashley." Ashley introduces kindly.
"Patty. Patty Spivot." Patty said.
Ashley smiled at her.
"Captain wants a CSI and you at a crime scene. An arson I think." Patty explained.
Ashley grabbed her items and followed Joe out the door.
Crime Scene:
Barry has showed up at the scene and was confused.
"Sand?" Ashley started as Barry put the vile into the kit.
"That's what it seems to be..." Barry said.
"Deceive West! A word please?" Patty said bouncing over.
Joe sighed and then turned to her.
"My answer is still No dectective..." Joe started.
"Spivot. Patty Spivot." Patty said.
"Detective Spivot." Joe finished.
Joe then walked off and Patty pouted.
"Why's he saying no?" Ashely asked.
"I want to join the metahuman task force." Patty explained.
"Oh! Cool! Wonder why he's saying No.." Barry said.
"Metahuman...Taskforce?" Ashley questioned.
"It's a task force for stopping and finding metahumans. So far...I think all of the metahumans have been bad. Except the Flash." Patty told her.
Ashley nodded her head and then cleared her thoughts.
"Barry! Your close to Joe! Any tips on how to break his No code?" Patty walked with them as they started to leave.
"I've been trying for years. If you find out..tell me!" Barry said as he led Ashley out of sight from the officers.
"Why are we away from the others?" Ashley asked Barry crossing her arms across her chest.
"We have to head to Star Labs. They can test the evidence we found." Barry explained.
"What? Why!" Ashley protested.
Barry stared at her with silence and then frowned.
"In case it's a metahuman. Plus they have better technology...and the team helps me with all my cases." He said.
Ashley twisted her lip into a scowl.
"Your JOB Barry is to work at your lab. I understand your know. But..i am a CSI, thus your new partner. I am not having the idea of others doing my work." Ashley argued.
Barry smiled softly at Ashley.
"Your worried about the Metahuman stuff?" He said and Ashley stopped her eyes from going wide.
She tensed her body and held her head high.
"No. Let's go to Star Labs." She said.
Barry looked at her and she nodded. Barry picked her up in his arms and sped them to the lab.
"Hey everyone!" Ashley said as she walked in with Barry.
"Welcome Back!" Cisco exclaimed beaming at her.
"We have something for you to test." Ashley smiled.
"What is it?" Caitlin asked.
"Sand." Barry said holding the vile.
Cisco took the vile and looked at the two and then nodded slowly.
"Ash! Hey!" Iris exclaimed entering the room.
"Hey Iris." Ashley smiled.
"You officially on the team?" Iris said her eyes widening with hope.
Ashley looked at Barry and who was staring at her.
"I would love if you would join." Barry said.
Ashley smiled and nodded to Iris who was staring at Barry with a mischievous look.
" ever think of dating?" Iris said as she hugged Ashley.
"D-Dating? W-Why?" Barry stuttered.
Iris smirked.
"I'll talk to you later..." she said slowly.
Iris grabber Ashley and pulled her to the computers.
"Tell us about yourself, Ashley." Iris said as Cisco and Caitlin turned to them.
Ashley thought for a moment.
Did she want to tell them? No. She didn't. Absolutely not. They're lock her up or do something else. She was a threat.
"I'm an only child, and I grew up with only a mother. I never met my father. My mom used to say he left for reasons she respects." Ashley started.
Iris's smile fell and she had a look of sorry on her face.
"I wish you could all meet her. She was the best." Ashley said turning to look at all of them.
"Was?" Cisco asked and Caitlin sent him a look.
Ashley looked at the computer screen and then back at him her eyes dim.
"She died a few days after the Particle Accelerator blew up. She died in our house..." Ashley said quietly.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry." Iris said and Cisco nodded.
"It's fine. It really is. The police never found the source of her death. Couldn't. My uncle runs the company I wasn't in excitement to run." Ashley smiled softly.
"Company?!" Joe repeated.
Ashley nodded and typed at the screen. She projected it up onto the TVs and Caitlin shook her head in disbelief.
"Of course! Ashley PRINCE. You're supposed to run Prince Industrial. How did I not figure this out!" The brunette said.
Ashley laughed.
"I'm quite glad you didn't figure out, Caitlin. It's no exactly something I want, as my birth right...not saying I don't have the money and the power but.." Ashley smiled.
Barry was smiling at Ashley as she exchanged a conversation with Iris and Caitlin.
"I know that look." Joe said quietly walking over to him.
"What look?" Barry asked not moving his eyes away.
"That look of yours when you like someone." Joe said.
Barry looked at him in confusion.
"You would make it at Iris all the time. And sometimes at Linda. Now it's Ashley." Joe said.
"No!" Barry said a little to loud.
Ashley spun around and looked to him.
"You okay Allen?" She asked.
Barry nodded trying not to let his eyes wander anywhere but her eyes.
Ashley smiled and then turned back to the girls.
"Okay maybe a little." Barry admitted.
Joe chuckled and shook his head.
"Okay! So that Sand you two brought in. Not Sand." Cisco said as he showed Caitlin the results.
Ashley raised an eyebrow.
"Then what are they?" Barry asked.
"Human Cells." Caitlin said.
"Human Cells? We have a vile, full of Human Cells?" Ashley started in disbelief.
"Can you find out who the cells belong to?" Iris asked.
Cisco nodded and got to work along with Ashley.
"Eddie Slick." Ashley revealed.
"How did you find that so fast?" Cisco asked.
Ashley smirked at him and nodded to Joe and Barry. Barry sped them out and Ashley smiled.
"Do you like him?" Iris blustered out.
"Who?" Ashley asked.
"Barry." Cisco scoffed.
"Barry?" Ashely repeated her eyes going wide in disbelief, "Dating is not something I can do anymore. I don't know about Allen but, I probably won't take the chance."
"Why?" Caitlin asked.
Ashley stayed silent but her body tensed slightly.
"Ash? You okay?" Iris said slowly.
Ashley nodded and her phone rang making her jump and cuss.
Ashely picked it up and sighed. She picked it up.
"Hello?" Ashley said.
Where the hell are you Ash!?
Ashley closed her eyes in frustration and clenched her fist.
"Somewhere. On Earth." Ashley replied making the other three share a glance in confusion.
Ashley Raven Prince! You ran away! You have people depending on you!!! Plus! You can't just ditch your boyfriend!
Ashley narrowed her eyes and she stood up and slammed her hand down.
"Don't say that." She hissed.
Sorry Fiancé!
"NO! UGH!" Ashley spat and then ended the call.
She grabbed her bag and stormed out of the cortex leaving the others to stare after her.
"I'm very curios." Cisco admitted.
"No!" The other two girl shouted.
Cisco tilted his head at them.
"Cmon. That's very odd. I mean I want to know what the other person said." Cisco argues and Caitlin rolled her eye and Iris glared at him.
Late Afternoon:
Barry was explaining how Eddie Slick wasn't even here during the Particle Accelerator, So there was no way he could've been it.
"Do you think it was..." Ashley started,
"His doppelgänger? Like Atom Smasher?" Martin Stein said.
During her wait for Barry and Joe, the team had filled her in on everything.
"No way." Barry shook his head.
"This Earth 2 stuff, It's starting to make sense." Caitlin admitted.
"I'm going to visit out friend down in the pipeline." Barry said.
"Jay Garrick?" Ashley asked.
"yeah. You wanna come?" Barry asked.
Ashley beamed and nodded.
She stood up and followed Barry out the room as the others stared after them.
"Who wants to bet, those two are going to get together?" Cisco said.
"Why bet. When it's going to happen?" Iris said.
"Ashley doesn't Look like the dating type. I'll bet." Caitlin said.
"Caitlin Snow? Betting against Cisco Ramon. On love? That's..." Cisco started.
"I'll bet you a trip to Jitters." Caitlin said.
"Deal." Cisco agreed.
Ashley stood behind Barry as the door opened revealing a man with blonde hair and green eyes.
"Barry. Oh. You brought a friend. Come to trust me yet?" He said.
"Yeah no. We came to ask you something." Barry scoffed.
"Speak my friend." He said.
"A man. Eddie Slick. Can turn into Sand." Ashley said standing beside Barry.
"Sand Demon. He's a metahuman from my home. Zoom sent him here to kill you, Barry." Jay explained.
"How do we beat him, Mr. Garrick?" Ashely said ignoring Barry's look.
"Please, Call me Jay. And you are...?" Jay said.
"You don't need to know Jay." Barry snapped.
"'s fine. I'm Ashely Prince. Now tell do we villian." Ashley stepped up to the glass and started right at Jay.
Jay nodded.
"A way I never could. Barry's going to throw Lightning." Jay said.
"What?" Barry said.
"Throw Lightning." Jay repeated.
"I can't do that." Barry admitted.
"Then I'll teach you." Jay said.
"I'm not letting you out." Barry said.
"Fine." Ashley said at the same time.
"Ash!" Barry yelled.
"You need help Barry...and I'm starting to believe this Earth 2 stuff. In fact...I've been believing it since I was seven." Ashely said muttering the last part.
"Your kidding me," Barry scoffed.
"Barry. I've known you for two days. And I can already tell that you agree with me." Ashley said.
Barry opened his mouth to  argue but nothing came out. He then sighed and let out a small laugh.
"I think you're going to be a valuable team
Member Ms. Prince." Barry nodded letting out Jay.
"I will try my best Mr. Allen." Ashley smiled.
"Let's go!" Jay said waking out past the two.
Ashley and Barry looked at each other and followed after.

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