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Barry Allen smiled and walked into CCPD. He walked up to his lab where his partner Ashley Prince was sitting and talking to Iris.
"Hey Barry!" Iris greeted with a sweet smile.
"Iris, Hey Ashley," Barry said greeting the two girls.
Ashley smiled lightly before pushing Iris towards the door.
"You and your brother should be having fun right now," she said receiving a glare from Iris.
Ashley sighed and then turned to Barry with a smile so bright he thought she was mad.
"Guess what!!!" She squealed.
"What?" He asked looking into her brown eyes.
Her eyes were sparked with an energy that he had never seen her have. An energy with which was pure happiness. The mercy of being free.
"I figured out why I've been sick," Ashley cheered and Barry clapped.
Out of the six months of living in this timeline, two of those were Ashley having random blackouts and panic attacks.
"What was it?" Barry asked.
Ashley's smile dropped and she looked down scared. She hugged herself and Barry walked up to her.
"Ash?" He asked calmly.
Ashley didn't look up and Barry had to stop him self from kissing her forehead.
This Ashley wasn't his girlfriend. He hadn't asked her out. Yet.
Barry placed his a hand on her chin and gently made her look at him.
"Tell me Ashley. Please? I...I care about you too much to watch you like this," he said honestly.
Ashley went wide eyed and threw her arms around his neck.
"Is this your way of confessing?" She asked into the hug.
"Yeah it is.." Barry said returning the hug.
"...I like you to Barry..." Ashley said.
Barry smiled and then couldn't stop himself from locking his lips with her. Ashley went into shock at the sudden gesture but at the same time...it felt so familiar. Like she had kissed Barry before. But she hadn't..right?
Ashley kissed back and the two just stayed in the position for longer than imagined. When they pulled away Barry picked her up and spun her around making her laugh.
"You...are everything I need." He said into her hair.
"Barry..." Ashley said as he stopped spinning her.
Ashley stepped away and then raised her hand. Her eyes turned purple and then her hands held a purple glow.
"I...Whats wrong with me..." she asked.
"Nothing..:Nothing...your just...you've been given a gift," Barry said coming out of shock.
"I'm one of those..:metahumans!" She hissed.
"So am I," Barry said. He vibrated his hand and Ashley returned back to normal.
"your the flash!?!" She gasped.
"Not in this timeline..." he said.
"Time...did you reset the timeline..." Ashley asked.
"Yeah I did. I saved my mom from dying. Now...Wally is Kid Flash...Caitlin is at Mercury Labs...Cisco runs Ramon Tech and is rich!" Barry sighed, "And Iris helps Wally...Joe is a drug addict...your the only normal one..:other than..."
he trailed off looking down at her hands.
Ashley face palmed and she grabbed his arm.
"we have to reset the timeline," she hissed pulling him to her desk.
"I understand you might have your mom Barry..:but...you changed everyone's lives! I'm a meta Barry! I don't want to be one!" Ashley said.
Barry shook his head at her, "no way. I have both my parents alive. You have your mom. Everything's better!"
Ashley froze and then her mother's horrified scream filled her head. She had a flashback from...another world? No..another timeline.
"My mom...died?" She choked.
"Yes! She did! A meta killed your mother Ash!" Barry said.
Ashley whipped around and then held out her arms as they glowed purple, "I'm a meta Barry! I'm one of those...things that killed my mom in another timeline? Barry I can't live knowing this," she said.
"And the flash is scene battling a his mortal enemy, the Rival at the docks," a news report said.
"What?" Barry said, "no...I told them to wait!"
He then sped out the room and Ashley scoffed.
"Some cute nerd he is! Resetting the timeline..."
Barry held Ashley's hand and led her to a wear house. Barry entered and a man in a yellow suit laughed as the two came into view.
"Messed with Time enough Flash??" He asked.
"We need to reset the timeline. Back to the original," Ashley said.
"How do we do that?" Barry asked.
"You already know how..." The man said smirking.
Barry stiffened and then opened the gate.
"Say it... and your wish is mine to grant," he said.
"Eobard!" Barry yelled.
"Time is wasting and each second changes something," Eobard said.
"I need you..:to back in time..:and...k-Kill my mother," Barry said and Ashley paled.
Eobard smirked.
"Your wish is come true," he said and took off running. Barry kissed Ashley and then chased after. Ashley then felt a wave of light wash over her and memories erased her mind, and new ones were implanted.
She was in the Cortex sitting and was speaking to Caitlin.
"I...uh..." she trailed off.
"You okay?" Iris asked.
"Y..Yeah? I think...I just had the weirdest thoughts..."

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