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Barry sped into the Cortex smiling.
"Woo! Another thug in prison!" He exclaimed, "so what should we nickname this guy?"
Barry looked around before his green eyes landed on Cisco, "Cisco! What should we name this guy! Your always the one who comes with the badass nick names,"
Caitlin furrowed her brows and looked at Ashley who was looked back.
"How about thief," Cisco said glumly, "he steals stuff,"
Ashley had a brief flashback of a man with black hair. She was talking to him and they were walking until a car came.
Ashley shook her head and looked at Cisco who was staring at her.
"C...Cisco.." she tried.

Cisco rolled his eyes at her and then got up, "I'm heading to the gym,"He then left the room and Caitlin rested a comforting hand on Ashley's shoulder

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Cisco rolled his eyes at her and then got up, "I'm heading to the gym,"
He then left the room and Caitlin rested a comforting hand on Ashley's shoulder.
"Is he like..working out or something?" Barry joked.
Everyone looked at Barry and his smiled dropped, "sometimes your jokes aren't that funny," Caitlin said sadly and then left the room.
Barry raised an eyebrow at Ashley and she gripped her head.
"I'm heading to CCPD...I...I think you should go after Cisco..he's in a tough area right now.." she said, "me and...You are the only person who can talk to him...I think.."
Ashley nodded and then sped out the room, his red suit back on its mannequin.
Ashley sighed and left the room hastily.
A few days later (after Barry's fight With Revial)
"You...what.." Iris repeated.
"I changed the timeline!" Barry sighed.
Barry stood in the Cortex solemnly as his friends stared at him.
"Exactly HOW did you screw it up," Caitlin asked.
"I went back in Time after the West after party-"
"Iris has just talked to you...and then you ran down the street...and saved your...mother..?" Ashley cut him off. Her voice was suddenly bitter and a flash(haha!) hit her brain. It was Iris and Barry sitting outside on the porch of the West household. And they were kissing. Then another after she was at CCPD talking to Barry about timeline...her eyes were purple and hands were glowing.
Ashley gripped the side of her head as Barry looked at her shocked.
"Y-Yeah..." he said.
"Okay! So when your family members die it's okay to revert time, but when MY family dies you can't do anything!?" Cisco yelled.
"Cisco! It wasn't Barry's fault!" Ashley yelled randomly.
"I know! It was half his and half yours!" Cisco hissed.
Ashley had another flash in her brain of Cisco. Except he was in Ramon Tech and he was rich.
"Cisco!" Iris yelled.
"Ashley's you've watched how many people die?" Cisco asked ignoring everyone.
Ashley stared at her friend and her pith twisted into a dangerous scowl and Cisco went into shock.
"My mother, Barry's Father, your brother! What we though was Jay Garrick!" She said.
"Exactly! So what made you think you could...I...You were there! Ash! You were with him! How Did he die and you...leave with barley a scratch!?" Cisco asked.
Joe looked at Ashley and she shook her head hopelessly.
"Because he saved me. I was in the way of the car Cisco..." she sobbed.
Cisco froze along with everyone in the room, "I was supposed to die that night. Not him. And I am so sorry that I was useless. But I will be here for you. Okay?"
Cisco stayed silent and then he hugged Ashley tightly.
"I'm sorry.." he whispered.
Ashley nodded and then she looked at Barry who had a soft smile on his lips.
"How is it Barry's fault?" Joe asked as the two pulled apart.
Cisco just shrugged, "I don't know,"
Ashley let out a chuckle and then the alarm rung.
"What's that?" Barry and Ashley asked.
"It means someone's coming through the breach!" Wally explained.
The others ran out the room and Ashley grabbed Barry's hand as her head started to spin.
"You okay?" Barry asked helping her to walk down to the breach.
"Just a headache," she strained.
That was a lie. She keeps seeing things in her mind. Different things. Things in Where some she recalls,  like Iris and Barry, and somethings she doesn't...like Dante's death.
"Harry!" Ashley cheered as she saw the man. She gave the man a hug and then frowned at his face.
"What's wrong?"
"I need help," he said.
"With what?" Barry asked.
Jesse sped(yes she sped) out of the breach leaving a trail of lighting behind her.
Ashley went into shock along with the others.
"With that," Harry said.
"Jesse? Your a speedster?" Wally asked
"Yeah! Cool right!" Jesse beamed.
Ashley ran over and gave Jesse a hug.
"Was this from the..." Ashley trailed off at the memory.
"Mhmm...is Wally affected too? Or..what about you? You had that vile as well," Jesse asked quietly as the group went back up to the hallways.
Ashley paled and then a voice in her head started giggling evilly.
"I am totally not affected," she said.
"We need to test your speed.." Cisco said.
"Where do we do that?" Barry asked.
"The Speed Lab!" Caitlin cheered.
"The what?" Barry and Harry said.
Ashley had a flashback. This time it was painful. She hissed and leaned against the wall.
"Are you okay? You keep having head aches," Iris asked.
"I'm fine," Ashley spat at her.
Iris looked hurt but then she smiled at Barry brightly.
"Come on!" She said and grabbed his arm and started leading him.
As they walked into the lab Ashley furrowed her brows.
"This seems...familiar yet not," she said.
Harry stopped walking and then looked at Barry, "you changed the timeline haven't you?" He asked.
Barry looked guilty and Iris praised Harry, "you found that out pretty fast Harry,"
"Of course because we haven't been here, and neither has Barry," Harry said.
"Right, Different Earths, Different Timelines...." Cisco trailed off and then looked at Ashley who had gripped her temples again.
"Different..Earths..different...BARRY!" Caitlin yelled.
Barry looked very confused, "what?"
Ashley groaned and then fell into a chair beside the computers. She rested the side of her head with her hand, with an elbow propped against the computer.
"What is wrong with you?" Joe asked walking up beside her.
"I don't know...that's a lie...I just figured it out," she said and then looked at Barry.
She looked at him tired and sad

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