Chapter One

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yay the first chapter. i'm so excited for this fic you don't understand omg but i hope you all enjoy and please rate and comment!

It was a week before school was going back into session and Jack had not even thought about summer assignments until now. Summer was meant for hanging out, getting drunk at a party, and just chilling. Summer was not meant for homework and reading books. Yet, here Jack was, laying on his bed, groaning to his best friend about how he could care less about The Great Gatsby.

"Jack, it's a classic! Leonardo De-Fuck Me-Caprio was in the new movie about it, remember?" Zack said, frustrated with Jack's attitude towards the situation. Jack rolled his eyes at the muscular boy in front of him. Zack and Jack had been best friends since Jack could remember. They were practically bound at the hip, taking each trouble and blame and happiness and joy together. It helped that they were both openly gay, too. Zack being more flamboyant about it, however.

"Zack, I do not care about how much you want Leo in your bed or how fantastic this book is. All I care about right now is if Rian is going to be throwing a party later tonight and if I should go or not." Jack said with a slight roll of his eyes. Jack was a known partier. He didn't get as drunk as he said he did, because he didn't like the idea of depending on alcohol for fun. Well, he didn't like alcohol in general. You couldn't just go to a party and not get a drink, though.

"Do you think I should go to Rian's party?" Zack said, mumbling the sentence so quietly that Jack almost missed it. Jack had just become friends with Rian this past year and Zack was head over heels for the drum playing boy. Jack shrugged, throwing a pillow at Zack's face and making him fall over off the bed.

"One, of course you should come. Maybe we'll both get lucky tonight," Jack said, wiggling his eyebrows as his signature smirk plastered onto his face. "Two, if you dare throw that pillow at me, Zack, I will burn all your Blink 182 posters." Zack frowned at Jack's last comment, even though they both knew it was an empty threat. Jack loved those posters just as much as Zack did. They were like gold to the two teen boys.

"Look, just come and if you wanna leave, we'll leave. You should talk to Rian, though, and maybe actually say words this time." Jack said with a laugh before getting a fist in the gut. Jack always made fun of Zack because he was shy. Zack just didn't know how to react around people, which was confusing to Jack since Jack was one of the most social guys at school.

"I know the only reason you want to go is to gawk at Alex Gaskarth so don't even try to make fun of me." Zack snapped back, his voice sharp but the huge grin on his face giving him away. Zack was the only one who knew about Jack's dirty little secret and that pissed Jack off. Jack tried for so long to keep his little crush on Alex a secret, but somehow, Zack found out.

"Fine, fine, fine. Just shut up, okay?" Jack muttered, pulling at a thread on his jeans. Even if Zack's statement was true, Jack wouldn't admit to it. Jack had formed a crush on the small, brunette haired boy named Alex last school year. Alex was just as social as Jack was, except he was quiet. He threw all the best parties, was always picked first for anything, and he was loaded with money. However, Jack had never even heard the boy speak. Okay, that was a lie. Jack heard Alex talking once, but Jack tried to forget that day.

"Shut up, shush, be - oh my... fuck!" Jack heard as he turned the corner. Jack slowed down his pace before he leaned against the concrete school building, listening to Alex and someone else speak. It wasn't really speaking, though. It was more Alex sputtering out words in between his moans. Hearing Alex moan like that was all Jack needed to get out of there. Jack was all for PDA, but Alex was a boy he liked and knowing he was hooking up with some trashy girl made Jack feel ill as he ran the other way.

Jack still wondered who Alex had hooked up with, but he would never ask. Jack was nosy, but he still had boundaries. With a quick hop off of his bed, Jack tossed on a better looking shirt and turned to Zack, who had his eyebrows raised.

"Wanna go to a party?"


Jack was on his second beer and figured that would be enough for the night. He just needed something to get a buzz, not something to make him crazy. Wandering the house, Jack looked at all the people. There were the trashy redhead girls playing strip poker with their other trashy blonde friends. Then, there were the bro's who were taking shots in their tank tops. Then, there were the happy drunks - the crew Jack usually stuck with. They were all dancing to some playlist Rian made and kissing everyone they made eye contact with. It was disgusting, but adorable at the same time. Everyone was so happy for just a moment and it was nice. Jack mumbled something about making sure to find Zack, but as he did, he ran straight into a beanie-clad boy.

"I'm sorry." Alex said, his voice like silk as he beamed at Jack. Jack was usually quick on his feet, always knowing what to say, but Alex literally left him speechless. All he could think was, Alex is talking, he is speaking. It must have been the alcohol, Jack assumed as he eyed the red solo cup placed in Alex's hand. Jack fidgeted, not knowing what to say.

"Uh.. don't be. Yeah, um, I'm sorry, I was just, um. Have you seen a tall, muscular guy named Zack by chance?" Jack finally managed to say, mentally hitting himself at how dumb he probably sounded. Alex chuckled and nodded, taking Jack's hand in his as he led the way to where Zack was. Jack knew how to get around Rian's house, but he couldn't focus on anything except Alex's hand on his. It's just a friendly gesture, don't overthink it.

"Yeah, um, it seems like your friend Zack is a little preoccupied..." Alex said with a nervous laugh, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. Jack looked over to the couch and saw a quite intoxicated Zack straddling and kissing a quite intoxicated Rian.

"Don't interuppt them. Come on, we'll find something else to do." Alex said in a quiet voice, taking Jack's hand once again and nodding. Jack swallowed, trying hard not to overthink what Alex's gestures were. They are friendly, he is being nice.

"Oh, um, by the way, my name is Jack." Jack finally said as Alex and himself walked into the kitchen. Alex nodded, refilling Jack's cup with some liquid from a clear bottle. Jack assumed it was vodka. Even though he didn't want to drink it, he didn't want to seem rude and not drink what Alex poured out for him, so he took the red cup.

"Well, Jack, I'm Alex. But I think you already knew that." Alex said with a wink. Jack's eyes widened a bit and Alex laughed, taking Jack's cup and drinking from it.

"Let's get out of here, Jack."

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