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Idk if you guys can follow the story anymore huhu. Was it too rush or confusing?


"It's a park from my hometown"

A park from his hometown? Is that..

A door clicked unlocked can be heard directly to the younger's room.

"Shoot! I have to sleep!" He whispered loud enough for the older to where through his phone.

"Haha! Then go to sleep "

"I don't wanna"He whined from those words but was stopped when he said. "Then don't go with us tomorrow"

"Ok, I'll sleep for you"

The older laughed from the younger's direct obedient respond.

"Alright, goodnight"

"Goodnight, hyungie"

The call ended but the younger is still wide awake from his heart racing. I didn't tell him about the park turn into abadoned.. it's may hurt him.. but if I pretend that I don't know about the park. Maybe it can help him to figure out things. This kind of decision also hurts him but he has no choice if his hyung doesn't remember him.


The next day, the day he's going to see again the park. He was all dress up until something reminded him to bring it with him before he visit the park. He opens up the box once again as he folded the drawing to put it in his pocket and putting the broken flowers on a elastic plastic bag to his shoulder bag.

"Taetae? Jungkook's here!" A knocked coming from taehyung's door, it was yoona. He got up and unlocked the door. "Where is he?"

"In the living room. Is there anything you forgot to bring with you?"

Taehyung smiles and shook his head in hummed. "I'm all ready, let's go." He also told to yoona that jungkook is coming along with them so yoona nodded as they all got in the van trip to taehyung's hometown. Throughout the whole trip he was still holding on to that drawing he made.

"Why do you want to visit this park?" The younger tilt his head in confusion even though he already know the answer. The older look at him that made him holds tightly the drawing from his pocket.

"I want to recover my memories with that place" Taehyung smile slight yet a sad one that made the younger's heart stopped but just end the conversation with a nod. He has to pretend like nothing happens and it hurts him alot. A huge silence brought through them but it wasn't awkward but rather comfortable for them. They were all focused on the road.

"Is it here, taetae?" Yoona asked which it caught taehyung's attention and help her to pointed out to where the park is located.

After they arrived to that park, all of them froze from such a disaster sight except for jungkook it was rather sad for him than being shocked. Because he already visited this park. "Are.. are you sure this is it?" Yoona asked as she look at taehyung filled her heart worried.

"I.. I don't understand." Without any hesistation he got out first the van and ran to the park to take a closer look. "Taehyung, wait!" She also got out while Jungkook sighs before he follows along with them.

"Taehyung.." Yoona called in worried tone. Taehyung took out the folded drawing from his pocket bringing it close to his chest. "I.. I know it's here, noona." He starts sobbing which made yoona hugged the younger right away. She stroke the younger's back in circular motion hoping it will calm the younger's feelings.

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