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🚨⚠️warning rape⚠️🚨

"Here you go, sir." She serves the last as she was hella late for picking up taehyung because of her switch position to her co-worker didn't arrive on time. "Jeez, this is the second time you're late!" Yoona groaned to her late co-worker arrived because she couldn't assign to anyone else besides her. The co-worker apologetically bow to her which she just shook her head with a sigh.

"Please, don't be late on third time." She pat her co-worker's shoulder as a sign of accepting the apology before she run to her locker. As she knew the time was very late to pick Taehyung up. Another bad luck came that her phone is dying.

It was also she expected, a huge heavy traffic that got her stuck in the line. She was about to dial Taehyung but her phone shut down due to low battery.

She cursed as she lean her forehead through the wheel holder, hearing the bunch of honking on the background.

I'm on my way, taetae. Please wait for abit.

"We're home, kiddo!" Yoongi and Jimin were home. Jimin hungs the keys on the holder. Yoongi felt odd that the whole place was pure silence. "Jungkook?" They went towards to his room and there he was nowhere to be found. Jimin widen his eyes as he glances on the elder.

He got irritated by clicking his tongue, combing his bangs with his fingers along. "That little brat" He mumbled in anger. He and Jimin knows this kind of Jungkook's attitude is unstoppable. He now regrets leaving Jungkook alone because it can be dangerous for him if he kept pushing himself through even if he's sick and needs alot of rest. But he also wonders what could possibly made him left the room even he knows that he's still sick.

Where did that kid go?

"We're going to be rich, boys!" A group of men celebrating after they pushed inside the poor boy on the basement as they were about to go out of the university.

"I bet that queer is also having fun!"

"He's going to be famous on gay p●rn site!"

"Why don't we watch it on a projector as a celebration our first pay?"

They were having the lifetime laughing until a black and golden lines on his lamborghini arrived infront of the gate as a man got out on his black denim jacket, grey shirt underneath, navy blue jeans on black timberlands and with black mask on as he steps in the gate. The black masked man's glare aims on the group of men, which they return with a confused look on him. They couldn't familiarize the man walking towards them.

"I'd like to ask each and one of you before everyone of you leave."He glances through his hands as he give it a good fold to crack his knuckles. He smirks under his black mask with a death stare where its been so long since he revealed his death stare to anyone else. "Shall we?"

They set up a camera stand and they adjust the camera angle and to focus on the fragile figure. "Let me go!" The room was filled with sinister laughed by the group of men. "No one can hear you in this room, baby boy" He sobs from their words as they started to ripped off the poor boy's clothes. Their eyes widen from how his body was feminine and was such a strongly desire to be touch as they released groan. "Fuck, man." One of them licked their bottom lips from this sight. Taehyung was a mess for crying out loud made them all aroused from this sight.

"What are you waiting for? Tie him up!" One of the men nodded hesitated after they got way too distracted by his feminine body. The two men began to wrap around the rope on his wrists and his legs that was forced to spread. The discomfort were touched everywhere around on his exposed skin through all his inappopriate part of his body. He hates it so much that he wants to get rid of their touches so badly. But he was.. weak, helpless, and crying over and over again, begging them to stop.. he began to feel worried that yoona wouldn't find him on this place. Jin wouldn't know since he's more busy on his work, Yoongi and Jimin would busy taking care of his boyfriend's ill, his boyfriend will worried sick he doesn't call or text him.

No one will.. No.. no one will be able to.. to save..me.

His heart stopped from this thoughts, which all that's left was his non-stop tears running down to his sides. He could feel the displeasure to his rose buds were stroke by rough skin of men's thumbs. He received a slap from his ass which he dislike the pain he was feeling.

He doesn't want this.

I don't want this.

They give a stroke to his length-please make it stop. He whined from the displeasure touch. One of the group men smirked from this sight as they stretch his entrance "He's fucking delicious" The other tilted his head to take a good closer they licked his entrance. While the two men began to move and start to bite and lick his rosey nips and his neck. One of the men were ready to align their length to his entrance stroking it and began to enter abit of their tip. "Fuck, he's too tight." They tried to insert more than the tip until the blood leaked.

Taehyung screamed in pain. A sudden door busted down, they all paused from what they're doing and another man removed his tip on the fragile's entrance as the blood still leaked abit as they look to where the loud noise is. "What's going on?" Their comrades were thrown back to the basement from those who brought and pushed taehyung inside were kick their bodies on the ground.

The black masked man revealed himself from the shadows but at the second himself widen his eyes from this sight to him. Taehyung was sobbing in fear. "W-who are you?" One of the group of men manage to speak up as the black masked man clenched his fist due his blood starting to boiled when he saw taehyung's entrance was leaking few blood as he sent once again his glare to the group of men holding his man.

"Jeon Jungkook, the son of chief superintendent of seoul police department. You are all under arrest for taking illegal actions on my wife!" Jungkook managed to released his venom tone of his voice as the sirens of the patrol cars at the background arrived.

The group of men began to panicked and were nowhere to escape as the polices arrived on the basement, "Hands up!" They pointed the group of men with their guns as they saw the son of chief signals them to capture them and never touch his wife. They all nodded from his command before they gather around to handcuffed each and one of them. "You are under arrest for raping an innocent man including your group. You have the right to consult an attorney and anything you say may be used against you in a court of law." The group of men winced from the tighten handcuffed were pushed out of the basement by the polices officers leaving the two behind for a moment.

Jungkook removed the ropes that was tied around Taehyung as he threw them off. Taehyung trembles as he places his hands on Jungkook's biceps."k-kookie..my lower hurts..it h-hurts so much.. it hurts.." He whimpered with swollen lips from crying way too much. Jungkook's heart was still filled with anger over the men who took his wife on this disaster basement and abused his inappropriate area. A prison isn't even enough for him to remove his anger. He wants them to be torture.

"I'm going to clean you up." The younger soften his expression to not scared the older as he caress warmly on Taehyung's cheeks to calm his tears. He pulled the elder's arms closer at the same time took off his jacket and wrapped around Taehyung's upper body. Taehyung buried on the younger's neck and gripped on his shirt. Jungkook wrapped his arms around the elder's small waist and kissed the elder's head under his mask with his eyes slowly shut down. I will never forgive the men who touched you like this.

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