chapter 14

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Y/n has been avoiding Iris since she was declared a bill of health by Caitlin. Y/n has kept busy with being Chills, working at the police and practicing with Caitlin to use there powers. Y/n does not wanna catch feelings for Iris. Even if they are there from the first time line.

"Ugh! Why is she not texting me back?" Iris said. Iris has been trying to ingratiate herself to get Y/n to like her. But since Y/n has not texted back she has indulged her self with food, is it treason for a girl to do that now in days?

When Iris got to star Labs people where inert. Y/n was not there. "What the hell is happening?" Iris asked herself out loud. She pressed the meta attach button on her phone. Y/n has got the  alert. She changed into her suit.

Y/n ran to star Labs. When she got there she heard loud bickering. Like hurting her ears bad. "What the bloody hell is going on?" Y/n asked before she passed out. S.T.A.R labs was like a citadel, but someone got into S.T.A.R labs and Iris was let's to fine the heathens.

(Low key was playing Heathens as I write this.)

Iris walked to where Y/n was to find out Y/n was passed out. "Shit." Iris said when she seen y/n on the ground. Iris looked up. She was in a state of calamity as she seen........

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