Ch.9 - An Alluring Lullaby

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<B - Not too long after Daniel left the room, a delicious aroma filled the living room. I didn't recognize the smell at the time, but it sure made Claire's mouth look like a waterfall.

Thirty minutes later Daniel appeared on the door with a covered pot from which a heavenly smell was escaping.>

D - Turns out I didn't have that much in the kitchen. Hope this is enough

C - Are ya kidding me!? That thing smells awesome!

B - Agreed.

<B - Daniel took the lid off the pot to show us the dish. It was fried rice with scrambled eggs, bacon and spices on top. The golden tone of the rice coupled with the scarlet stripes of the bacon and the black and green accents of the spices made a beautiful landscape to marvel at. It was more than enough to make my stomach want to burst open and eat the dish by itself.>

B - Woah. Just... woah.

C - What are we waiting for? Let's dig in!

<B - Every single bite of that rice was like achieving enlightenment for me. The time that we spent eating seemed to distort around us as we had more and more from the pot. Hey, don't look at me like that, I was starving. There was something... off in the flavour, though. I wasn't sure what it was, but since no one seemed to notice it I decided to ignore it.

After an incredibly satisfactory meal we decided to have a small conversation, just to do something while we waited for the food to settle in.>

C - Can't... move. Too... full...

D - That's what you get for stuffing your face so much.

B - I have to say, you are rather impressive in the kitchen.

D - Aw, shucks, you don't have to compliment me.

B - Hey, if it makes you cook more, I'll kill you with embarrassment.

C - Me, too! *burp* sorry...

<B - It was just idle banter, but somehow I felt absorbed in it. After some time talking Claire ran to the bathroom for an emergency "discharge", leaving Daniel and I alone once again. I took another look at my phone and I was it was almost five o'clock already.>

B - Maybe we should go after she's done there.

D - Are you sure?

B - Yeah, I think we might've overstayed our welcome.

D - You don't say... hey, mind if I stick with you girls for a bit?

B - I honestly don't see a reason why would you want to go with two trespassers like us.

D - Are you still pissed about that? I already told you that I'm sorry for that.

B - You really shouldn't be. Regardless, I don't care that much if you come with us for a walk.

D - Nice! You won't regret this, I promise.

<B - Daniel smiled as he said that. It wasn't a smile like the one "Him" or Arthur had, but it still had a small radiance about it. I awkwardly smiled back just as Claire came back and slumped on the couch.>

C - I... I think I might've lost weight there.

D - Please tell me I don't have to clean the toilet.

C - It's fine! Ya just need to buy more spray.

B - Anyway, we were just talking about going outside for a walk.

C - Sounds good to me. Where to, though?

B - Uh... how about we just walk around the plaza?

C - Okay!

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