Ch.16 - Amongst the Dead

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<B - I carefully followed Evelyn through the green-filled hallways of her house when she stopped in front of one of the doors.>

E - Mind giving me a minute? I need to grab something.

B - Uh, sure.

<B - And thus she walked inside to what I assumed was a studio. Since she left the door slightly ajar curiosity took ahold of me and I took a peek inside. To my surprise, it wasn't a studio. In fact, I wasn't sure what kind of room it was under the countless flowers covering every inch of surface possible. The only visible piece of furniture was a half-covered table at the very back of the room.

It was from that table that she carefully picked a bouquet of green-dyed roses. Evelyn noticed my presence at the door as she was walking out, giving me a smile in the process.>

E - Er, don't mind the mess.

B - That's more pretty than messy in my opinion.

E - Is it? I mean I can hardly walk around in there without stepping over something.

B - Doesn't subtract anything from the sight, in my opinion.

E - *chuckle* If you say so.

S - Ah, there you are.

<B - Samantha popped her head from the corner of the hallway and proceeded to signal us to get closer.>

S - I already told the others we're going.

E - Ah, perfect.

S - They decided to stay in the house, though.

B - (Only the three of us, huh...?)

E - Well, that's a shame. I was hoping to catch up with Daniel in the way.

S - Don't worry too much about him. He hasn't changed at all.

E - Really now?

S - Mhm. Oh, those are-

<B - Samantha stared at the bouquet for a few seconds in complete silence, as if her mind had just disconnected.>

E - Yeah... I finally got the colors right.

S - Just how long it took you to do this...?

E - Eh, no more than one or two tries.

S - ...Liar.

E - Heh, guilty as charged.

S - You didn't have to put so much effort into them.

E - No, I had to. He deserves more than this.

S - ...

<B - They both stood in silence for a little more while staring at the flowers. By now I'm pretty sure you don't need me to say what the roses were for. Evelyn managed to snap out of the trance before Samantha.>

E - We should probably get moving now.

S - Ah.

E - We don't want to wander around in the dark, right?

S - Y-yeah...

E - Ready, Beth?

B - Have been for a while now.

<B - As we headed out through the front door the afternoon sun greeted my eyes with a warm slap. In comparison, the house's interior lighting seemed like a jungle cave during a storm.

We continued walking along the youth-filled streets for a few minutes, making sure to safely pass any and all roads. Well, Evelyn silently made sure of that, but I can understand why she was so cautious. One of your friends getting ran over by incoming traffic is bound to make you paranoid at the very least. And at the very worst, it would make you not want to get near a car ever again. Hm, come to think of it, Evelyn didn't own a car... but I digress.

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