Ch.14 - Old Way, New Face

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C - Hey, hey! We’re gonna go to the beach, right?

D - No, we won’t. And don’t you try to get away from the luggage; most of this stuff is yours, anyway.

C - Eh…

D - Don’t you “eh” me! Just grab a bag already!

C - Kay, jeez…

<B - I was trying to ignore their bickering while we all walked through the quiet streets. It was still fairly early in the morning, so the only people in the streets besides us were shop owners calmly opening shutters and chatting amongst them. Meanwhile on the middle on the street, Daniel and Claire had moved on from arguing about the bags to talking about the beach. Honestly, I thought they would not get along after what happened last time, but I guess I was wrong.

Speaking of not getting along, I found it even more surprising that Daniel had no problems whatsoever being so near to Samantha. Even more so, the fact that he agreed to go with us in this trip was even stranger. I wondered if he had any connection to what happened, which was more than likely. Neither of them seem to mind it, so I didn’t worry too much about it.

The sun began to heat the streets as more and more people stepped outside. The uncomfortable warmth was starting to get to me as we slugged through the streets. Being outside was not necessarily a favorite activity of mine (at least not at that moment), so the task of carrying my bags became increasingly harder.>

A - Beth, you want me to take some weight off of you?

B - It’s… It’s fine, I can do this.

A - Are you sure? You look like you’re about to keel over and die.

B - I told you *pant* I can do this on my own.

A - Okay, then.

<B - Ignoring my words, Arthur snatched the bag I had on my hand and charged it on his shoulder.>

B - Wha- hey!

A - You look tired enough as is, don’t make it harder on yourself.

B - I said I’d be fine.

A - And I didn’t listen.

B - *sigh* ...whatever...

<B - I’m not saying I wasn’t grateful to him for doing that, but I would’ve been able to take care of my things on my own regardless of having help or not. After a short stroll, Samantha drew our attention to a building far off in the distance.>

S - Guys, that’s the one.

C - What!? But that’s super far!

S - Oh, c’mon. We only have to climb the hill and we’ll be there.

C - N-no way…

B - (You have to be joking…)

D - I knew we should’ve taken a cab…

A - …

<B - Samantha stayed silent while the others lamented the fact that we had so much path left to trek. Me, on the other hand, I finally realized something important. Something that my mind wasn’t able to think due to all the things that had happened...

Just what was I doing there?

In a way, I had no real reason to be with these people, kilometers away from the comfort of my home. Yes, the A/C was busted and the bed felt like sleeping on a frying pan, but I could’ve just spend the week over at a cafe or something. I literally knew half of them for a couple of weeks, and one on the other half was just a random stalker that I agreed to spend time with. “Just why am I here?” I asked to myself while the others kept on whining on about the hill before us.

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