Forgive me?

56 4 9

Ashton's p.o.v:

He stood there in the light of the garage. His face was red as he stared at me, though his eyes showed shock.

" What the fuck is he doing here?", Michael spat.

He pushed Calum out of the way and moved closer towards me. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me against the wall. I was unfazed and just pushed him off me.

" What's going on here?", Calum shouted.

Luke was cowering in the corner, shaking back and forth as the drama unfolded before him.

" This fucking kid isn't who you think he is Calum, He's a liar, a fucking liar who breaks promises and does drugs whilst he wrecks everything and everyone!", Michael yells.

I can see Luke flinch at his words though brush it off. This is my time to fight back. I push Michael up against the wall and thanked Jesus Christ on the moon that I was stronger than him. He was making me furious, spilling all our secrets to the only people I am calling my friends.

" You know what you fucking piece of shit, you don't know anything about me. You don't know why I fucking started doing drugs or why I had to leave home. I was fucking abused Michael and you know that yet you fucking left me. You left me when I was in need so don't now act as if I'm the bad guy when YOU ARE THE BAD GUY!", I roared.

I slapped him across the cheek and the slap was heard throughout the whole room. A sob was heard and I turned around to see Luke shaking in the corner whilst Calum comforted him. Luke had tears running down his face and looked like a child whom had their christmas presents taken away from them. Calum stood up and walked up to myself and Michael.

" I don't know what the hell that was though I recommend if you left Ashton, we have band practice", He spoke looking at me. I nodded and left noticing the smirk on Michael's face as I left the house. How dare he tell them my secrets, How dare he act so cocky, How dare he.

The sky was darkening and I could tell the time was around about 7 'o' clock at night. I knew one thing that would help take away the pain from Michael, from everything....

Getting drunk. I got out my fake ID. I walked down to the club thoughts running through my head. Michael still looked the same, same hair, same clothes. He sounded the same though he was so angry.

It had been years since he left me and I thought he would have gotten over the fact that I did drugs and was a completely different person, though he still held on to the fact that I broke our promise.

I don't see what's so bad about it. I changed and so has he I am assuming. He will never forgive me, he has Calum and Luke now.

Poor Luke. I didn't mean to make him cry or anything. I didn't want to make him upset, though I couldn't help but yell at Michael. Can't he see everyone doesn't care about me?

Can't he see that Calum was the only person I actually appeared to be getting along with?

Dumb Michael.

I walk into the club and I hear the music pumping making me smile. This is what I craved. I walked over to the bar and ordered a drink, passing the girl my ID.

She smiled and gave me my drink alongside her number and I smiled back before skulling my drink back.

Drink after drink followed and soon my vision started getting blurry. I walked onto the dance floor and started dancing with some random girl. She started dancing with me and I smiled. I had her wrapped around my finger though I soon left.

Stumbling upon the road as I make my way home, I continue to giggle myself. People look so weird. Suddenly I bump into a blonde person and he gasps and starts freaking out. He keeps moving around and saying my name before grabbing my hand and dragging me towards a house. It was in that moment that I realized that it was Luke.

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