A day in the life of a punk.

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Ashton's P.o.v

There are less people around you when you are covered in tattoos.
It appears that people find you 'Scary' and 'Dangerous' . You'd probably think, how do you survive being alone?' Though I'm not alone, I'm simply in the comfort of substances that allow me to drown out my day. Besides girls come and some leave fast though Geordie was my last. Geordie Gray a girl, small in size with the most amazing music taste and a smile that could persuade anyone into anything. Geordie and I met in a club the music was loud and we were pissed drunk. She had fallen into my arms and one thing led to another until I woke up next to her in the morning. Geordie was different to the other girls as she never left me after one night, she stayed.

I'm woken up by alarm blaring and I groan turning off the amazing voices of The 1975, before getting out of my bed and walking into the kitchens still standing in my boxers.

I stretch out before walking to my cupboard. I open up the doors, the light blaring into my eyes. I grab the toast and the vegemite and begin making the " Mega Toast". I grab the food and head into the lounge turning the tv to a random channel and watch the show.

It's a show about this tattoo artist whom goes around the world with his designs.

My mind leads onto my new tattoo and what it shall be. A quote? A song lyric? Someone? I soon come to realize I have been sitting there with an empty plate so I stand up walking into my room. My phone rings and I check the caller ID smiling, seeing it was Geordie.

" Hey Babe what's up?",I speak.

" Nothing much just chilling with Carter", She speaks, excitement buzzing in her voice.

" Why are you calling me? ", I ask confused.

" I was wondering if I could come over, I miss you", She says though something appears to be off in her voice.

" Sure come whenever you want though tell Carter he owes me my hit of drugs", I say smirk on my face.

" Will do see you later babe", she speaks.

" Bye", I yell before hanging up, smile on my face. I finally get to see my amazing Geordie. I remember the day I asked her out.

+ Flashback+

We were all sitting in a circle, cigarette's in hand smoking. The house was a mess, clothes everywhere, chairs broken and random objects showing up in weird places. There were cigarettes everywhere and bags of drugs located in random places of the house. I was with Carter at the time having just been left by Michael. It was about the 6th time that I had been doing drugs and I was excited to finally be out of life, out of the pain.

That's when I saw her entering the house. She was wearing a Blink-182 tshirt alongside some short shorts. She had walked in on her own and as soon as she had entered the room went silent.

" Geordie, you finally made it", Sam had spoken.

Sam was the main person of the house. He sold everyone drugs and became massively into the effect of alcohol and drugs. He was well known and everyone thought of him as a guide.

He guided you through the your first time with drugs and continued to do so.

Geordie sat in our circle, plonked down beside me. I smiled at her and she smiled back. At the time I was so weak and instantly fell for her. We continued t drink and smoke and I found myself drunk and high, the music blaring inside the house as I danced with Geordie.

" Wanna get outta here?", She asked smirk on her face and we left hand in hand and you know what happened. The next morning we had woken up in each others arms and everything is perfect. I had turned to her and asked for her number and we meet more and more often. Until one night when I took her out to our local restaurant. I had stopped our conversations and stood on top of the table.

" Geordie Gray, for a month I have known you and I would never let that month slip away. Geordie you have given me the strength to be myself even when times were hard to take. You changed me for the better. . You don't judge me no matter how much drugs I take or how drunk I become. You allow me to express myself and see me as more than just " Scary' or 'dangerous' like everyone else. So will you become my girlfriend?", I asked staring into her eyes as they dripped with tears.

I got off the table and took her hand waiting for a response.

" Yes Ashton of course I will", She spoke and cheering was heard around us.

Geordie was still crying though I took her into my arms and we left the restaurant. I carried her out and walked towards the club.

" Tonight I want to celebrate our luck" I whispered into her ear. She giggled and we walked into the club spotting Sam. We walked over payed for some drugs and spent the rest of the night smoking and drinking alongside each other and I was so glad to call her mine.

+ flashback over+

A knocking on the door brought me out of my thoughts and I rushed to get off the couch eager to see Geordie. I opened the door and smiled seeing her standing there in my 'The 1975' tshirt and some black skinny jeans. I allowed her in and pushed her against my chest.

" Ashton we need to talk", She spoke slowly and my heart started beating in my chest knowing what was about to come.

I led her to the couch and sat down taking her hands in my mine.

" Ashton, things between us haven't been as good as they were at the start of our relationship. You have become more distant and I feel as though things are different. I can't stand the distance between us and babe I think it's time we seperated. You see someone else makes me feel whole, he is there for me when you can't be. He has been with me for a few nights and together we have formed a relationship. I'm sorry.", She spoke and that's when I lost it.


She quickly grabbed her stuff and left my house. I started smashing things in our house though stopped when I saw a photo of me and Geordie. I held it to my chest as I slid down the wall sobbing. I needed to stop the pain and there was only one thing that could do that for me. I knew exactly where I had to go.

+ + + + + + + ++++++++++++++++++

I pulled up into the club and walked up to the bar. I ordered a drink and walked over to drug corner. Drug corner was a place where all the drug dealers would stand. It was hidden from the bars view and was easy to keep hidden. I walked up to Leo, a man whom I bought off years ago.

" Hey man I will take the usual", i say looking him in the eye.

" Well, well, well if isn't mister Ashton Irwin", He spoke smirk on his face.

" No shit sherlock now give me the drugs", I said folding my arms in front of my chest.

" I'm afraid I can't do that you see many years ago when you were 15 you promised you would pay me back for the drugs I had given you and you STILL haven't paid", He roared.
I pushed him up against the wall and punched him though his gang pulled me off and pushed me to the floor. I had no friends to help me so It looked like I was facing these guys alone. I punched them numerous times though got pushed back down as they kicked my body. I couldn't get up there were probably 10 of them holding me down. I looked weak something i'm not. I looked powerless. They pushed me out the club and whispered in my ear

" You got two days, Two days to get your shit together. I will come and kill you if your not out of town. Your'e not wanted here Irwin. I will kill you with my guys here. Fuck off".

I was pissed, though I left. I'm too young to die. So off to Sydney I must go. Away from this town. I will start again and find something else. I have one packet of drugs stored in my house and shall find my way to another life. Drugs, alcohol and music will guide me. Where I end up who knows. For now I go where nobody knows.

Hey, thank you so much for reading this story. I am unsure if anyone is reading though I you are just comment and I will dedicate a chapter to you! I love you all so much ❤ - Jorja

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