The Saviour

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Ashton's p.o.v:

It's the morning again and I'm sitting down at the table eating my 'Mega Toast' before I leave for this place I call doom.

I am honestly kind of bored at school. I expected to be all that, to be somehow known by the school. No one is caring about me apart from the occasion girls who want a 'bad boy' to date. To bad their all not my type.

I'm heading out the door and into my car at around about 8:30am. School starts at 8:45am so if there is traffic then I'm screwed..

The 1975 plays throughout my car as I make my way to school. It soothes me and prepares for the chaos that I'm about to face.

I arrive at school and open my car door, jumping out and walking in through the school gates. I'm late but who gives a fuck? School won't help me in the future, it's not like I'm planning on becoming anything in the future. Life sucks and then it ends. That has been and always will be my life quote.

I make my way down the corridors before stopping at the door which leads into the science room. I open the door and Mrs Edward stares down at me, glaring at me as I walk in.

"Irwin, why are you late?", She yells looking down at me from her desk.

"Okay 1) it's Ashton thank you very much. 2) I couldn't be bothered to make myself to your class on time because it it so fucking boring", I snap before sitting down next to Luke.

"IRWIN DETENTION!", She screams and Luke flinches beside me, tears rising in his eyes.

"Whatever", I respond my eyes connecting to Luke's. I feel bad for the boy. Every single time someone yells he flinches and instantly becomes afraid of them. Maybe something happened to him in his past that I am unaware of.

I put a hand onto Luke's back and he flinches up but I just rub his back more until he calms down and listens to the teacher. What a good boy he is. Meanwhile I just stare out the window and not pay attention to anything Mrs Edward is saying. Why am I treating him like this? Why do I care so much?

Lunch flies around the corner and I walk with Luke. He is silent and I think something's wrong with him though I don't know what to say.

"Luke?", I speak glancing at Luke as he walks, frown on his face.

"Yeah?", He responds looking directly in my eyes. Something happens in his eyes, something moves.

"Are you alright? You seem kind of out of it", I say before grabbing his hand making him know that I'm here for him.

"It's just th- ", he goes to speak though is cut off by Derek the school jerk.

"FAGGOTS AHEAD!", ( a/n I hate that word so much and if you are offended by it I apologise)

That's when I burst. I grab Derek by his collar and push him against the lockers making him groan and the lockers bang and echo down the hall.

"You shut the fuck up", I spit at his face making sure I bang him against the lockers again hoping to hurt his back.

"Alright, Alright', He says and I let him go watching him scramble off with his mates.

I walk back to Luke and hug him as he sobs. I'm really not too sure what is wrong with this kid though I am determined to find out.

" Come on Luke lets go get lunch", I speak though he runs off leaving me alone in the hallway. I go to chase after him though I think he fears me now. I bet he has just run off to Michael.

I head to the lunch room though none of the boy are there. Probably helping Luke or something. I grab some food and sit down and empty table. It seems luck isn't on my side because as soon as I go to eat the bell rings.


School soon ended and I took the long walk to the detention room
to see Mrs Edward waiting for me.

"Irwin, sit. You are not to talk not do homework for unlike the normal detention rules I have crafted my own here. You will write out the school rules. Yes the 500 page book and when you are complete you may leave. Understand? She spoke smirk on her face.

"I understand.", I speak and sit down grabbing the rules and begin to write. The hours pass.

Finally after 2 hours I get to leave detention. I grab my bag and gather my things then begin to leave.

I head towards the school entrance though as I pass the door I hear screaming. The screams are loud and the person is sobbing. I start running bashing through the doors at what I see...

Derek beating up Luke. He has grabbed the P.E gear and is beating Luke with a cricket bat. His friends are laughing and joking around ad they kick Luke. Luke is sobbing, tears stream down his face.

I run at Derek and grab the bat hitting him on the head, knocking him unconscious. I move to his friends though they all move and run out the door leaving their broken friend by himself.

"Come here Lukey", I say moving closer to Luke and he wraps his arms around my neck sobbing into my shoulder. He cries as I rock him back and forth.

I stand up and Luke wraps his legs around my waist as I carry him to my car ready to take him home.

"Are you alright baby?", I asked as I lead him to the car. Instead of responding he sobs harder.

"I'm here for you Lukey, I'm always here", I say rubbing his back trying to soothe him.

I put him down in the passengers seat of my car. The 1975 blares and I go to turn it down though Luke stops me. I hold his hand as I drive back to his place. He just sings along to the music.

I get Luke into his home, cleaned up and into his bed. I tuck him up and give him a hug before I go to leave.

I feel tugging on my hand and I turn to see Luke staring at me, puppy dog eyes showing.

"Stay with me?", He asks and I jump in his bed and hug him whilst he shakes. He is afraid of the boys though when I'm around no one will ever hurt him. Luke is precious. Luke is beautiful..

Wait what?

So that's it for another chapter. I'm sorry I haven't updated in ages. It's been so long but I've been busy. I'm sorry but I'm back! 😊❤ - Jorja x

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