Chapter 14

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I woke up to find myself on top of Dean, and still naked. Sighing a long sigh, I sit up and rub my eyes. Dean flips over, still asleep. I could hear stomping in the hallway running up and down. Shit! Sam's awake!

"DEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAN!!" I heard him coming closer. Quickly, I grabbed my clothes that was all over the floor and I escaped into the bathroom that was in the room. Sam barged in through door and jumped on Dean.  "Dean! Dean! It's Christmas! Get up get up!" He bounced.

"Huh? Wha?" Dean coughed, from speaking to quickly after waking up suddenly. 

"It's Chriiiiiiistmaaaaaaas! Get up!" Sam said, sliding off the bed and pulling off his covers. He looked back to Dean and screamed. He screamed really loud. He ran out of the room, stumbling. "EWWWWWWW!!!! YOU'RE NAAAAAAKEEEEEED!!!!" Dean sat up in his bed, scratching the back of his head. He looked down.

"OH! SHIT!" He fell off his bed and searched around for his boxers. Once he found them he struggled putting them on, and then ran out of the room. "Sammy! You saw nothing!!" He yelled. I scoffed and laughed in the bathroom. I grabbed a hand towel and soaked it in hot water before wiping off all the dry semen I had on me. Last night was... magical. And a pain in the ass. Literally. I honestly had trouble walking. I guess Dean was pretty rough. But I liked it... for the weak person I was, I liked his rough attitude.

"Baby? You in here?" Dean called me through the house. I put some other clothes on and skipped into the hallway.

"I'm here!" I said as I put on one of Dean's ACDC's shirts. It was huge, so if looked really baggy on me. Dean walked up to me in his boxers, embraced me and kissed my head. I looked up to him as I wrapped my arms around him, putting my feet on his.

"Thank you..." he whispered to me.

"What for?" I asked, like I didn't already know.

"For... yah know..."  He cleared his throat. "My Christmas present..."  I blushed as I buried my face in his chest.

"Stop it! You're embarrassing!" I said, as I hid myself. Dean burst into laughter. As he walked both of us into his room.

"Imma put some clothes on before Bobby gets here." He added. I smiled as I traced my hands along his thick arms. I  felt my scratch marks.

"Oh my god, Dean, did I leave these?!" I asked, looking at them closely, feeling bad.

"Yes, yes you did. They are my new battle scars." He laughed, putting his arms around me and squeezing me, picking me off the ground. "You're so cute!" He smiled. I have never seen him this happy. Was last night really this effective on him? He put me to the side and searched his drawers for some pants. I went into his closet to pull out one of his plaid shirts. Once he finished zipping up his jeans and putting a black shirt on, I hand him the button-up.

"Here... to hide your 'battle scars'..."  I smirked, feeling silly I called my scratches that. He chuckles lightly as he accepted it and put it on.

Hours later, there was a knock on the door. Dean rushed over to answer it. Stepping into the house was a middle aged man, with a trucker cap, pants, and a red plaid shirt on. He had a beard, and a orange vest on. He greeted Dean with a long embrace, both of them laughing and saying happy holidays. Dean welcomed him in, as the man looked around.

"Well, you could at least clean a little more." The man commented, smiling a bit.

"Ah common. It was all Sam. You can't blame this on me Bobby." Dean replied, closing the door behind him. I hid behind the kitchen wall separating the living room from the dining room. So that's Bobby. Huh.

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