Chapter 15

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I ran into his arms, almost making him fall backwards. I cried as I buried my face into his chest, hugging him for dear life. I couldn't believe he was here! I haven't seen him in eight long years, and looking at him and feeling his warmth and smelling the mint and Bourbon off of him, was heaven! I couldn't stop crying, and he couldn't stop either as he continued to stroke my hair and kiss the top of my head.

"Dad! I missed you! I missed you so much!" I yelled through his coat, turning my head so I could breathe.

"I missed you too! I can't stay away from any of you, it literally kills me ever passing day that I can't wake up in the morning and see my boys!" He cried, holding me tighter. I didn't want to let go. I wanted to make up for all the times I didn't hug him. He grabbed my shoulders, pulled back, and we looked into each others eyes. He held my face as he kissed my forehead. Then I see him drift off and look up to Dean, his face expression changing completely.

"Who is this Castiel?" He asked, not taking his eyes off him. I turned around, watching Dean stand there awkwardly, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Uhm... Dad... uh... " I stuttered, as I walked over to Dean and looped my hand in his arm, pulling him forward. "Dad, this is Dean Winchester...." I started. ".... My boyfriend..." I finished, my voice soft. Dad walked over, fixing  his white shirt sleeves he had underneath. He stared at Dean for a good while.

"How old are you?" He asked, his voice firm slightly.

"Seventeen, sir."  Dean answered quickly, without muttering, and standing straight.

"Do you have a job?"

"Yes, sir. Part time mechanic, making ten an hour, and a guardian to my younger brother." 

"Where are your parents?" Dad kept questioning.

"Deceased, sir."  Dean answered every one, not showing a bit of nervousness.

"Do you drive?"

"Yes sir. My car is right outside."

"How are your grades?"

"AB average sir."

Dad looked at him a bit more, then he dropped his eyes down to me. I've never seen him like this, and it scared me.  I hid behind Dean a bit.

"How old are you now Castiel?" He asked.

"Fifteen, father."  I replied,  a bit more formal.


"All As, father."

"How long has this relationship been?"

"Four, going on five months."

Dad took another long look at the both of us. A smile grew on his face as he shook his head. As he said, "I'll allow it."  I sighed in relief. I thought he was going to shoot someone. He outstretched his hand out to Dean, who gladly took it. "Mr. Chuck Shurely Novak." He gave a friendly smile. I was so happy. Dad's home, and he has complete approval of Dean. Dad pulled Dean into an embrace, which made him all stiff and awkward because he didn't expect it.

"Castiel?" I heard Raphael's voice. I looked up to the top of the stairs. He was there, with a purple button down shirt, with a black belt and slacks. He walked down the stairs slowly and walked up to me. "Castiel it is you..."  He wrapped his arms around me, and gave me a loving hug. They were still warm. But they felt sad. I hugged him back slowly. What was I thinking? Leaving him worried? It wasn't his fault, and he's been taking care of me all these years. I had no right to do what I did to him. More than less, I should have answered his calls.

"I'm sorry Raphael... I left you without saying anything.... about where I was, or what I was doing..." I said softly, tears falling.

"It's alright Castiel," He picked up my chin so I could look up to him. "You're alright. That's all I care about." He smiled, his eyes red from crying. "You changed so much, out don't even smell the same..." he chuckled, a little hysterical.

"Yeah... Dean's house has a different scent that I've come to know and adore." I replied, with a bashful smile.

"I can see." He chuckled. Then he looked up to Dean. "Thank you. For taking care of him.... he's a little needy." I covered my face, embarrassed.

"To be honest, he's more independent than you can imagine. He takes care of himself well, and he's always there for my little brother." Dean mentioned, as he gestured to all of me. Raphael and Dad looked at me with surprised eyes.

"What...?" I said, scoffing lightly, fixing my trenchcoat. Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I turn to find Gabriel, in a white long sleeve button down shirt, a red vest, and black pants. He hair was groomed and was out of his face. He looked nice. He stopped in front of Raphael and I. My smile dropped as I stared at him. I wasn't mad, but I had this feeling. This feeling that made me hate him.

"Castiel..." He started, but then silenced himself, not knowing of what to say next. The room was silent. We all stood there. My heart ached. I was battling with myself more than with what I was thinking about Gabriel. I didn't forget what he said. I knew he meant it, and the look of his eyes now just ensured it. "Cas, please...." I put my hand to his mouth.

I sighed. "I know what you are going to say." I started. "And I know you mean well..... " Gabriel looked down to me, his eyes watering again. I moved my hand from his face and picked up his, holding it tightly, and smiling small. "Do you want to go outside?"

Gabriel exhaled sharply, as he scoffed and cried with a smile on his face. He embraced me fully, apologizing and thanking me on repeat. I pulled back and smiled. I forgave him. I had too. I couldn't live with this darkness I had inside of me anymore. It was eating me away. I grabbed his hand again and pulled him to the door. I opened it and ran outside. For the first time in a long time, I heard him laugh. And it didn't sound mean. I pulled him out and onto the snow that covered our front yard. I fell in it, feeling the cold and slippery ice. Gabriel rolled around in it, filled with glee. I sat up, snow in my hair. I giggled as I shook it off. Unexpectedly, I felt snow slam straight into my face. Gabriel burst into laughter. I grabbed some snow and made it into a poor ball. I tried to throw it, but it only landed a few inches away from me. We sat there, quiet for a bit, and then we both burst into laughter.

I told you I couldn't throw.

Gabriel threw another. But this time, I gasped and dodged it. We both turned around to see it smack Raphael, who finally decided to come outside. He wiped the snow off his face and stared at us. Gabriel and I both covered our mouths quickly and smirked at each other. Raphael walked out onto the snow, and toward us. I shrieked and quickly crawled over behind Gabriel, grabbing him to use as a body shield. Dad and Dean walked out of the house to see what was going on. Raphael grabbed a branch from the tree next to him, and pulled on it hard. Gabriel and I both screamed as a humongous pile of snow fell on top of both of us.  I could hear Raphael's cruel laughter. I popped my head out of the freezing snow to breathe.

Then, I see Dad push Raphael into the pile with us. His head fell in first, only his legs showing. Gabriel, Dad, and I all started laughing again. Gabriel pulled Dad to come into the snow too, but he kept saying no. Eventually, he gave out and fell in too. We all sat there, laughing as snow filled our hair and clothes. We threw it around everywhere, and tossed it at one another. There was happiness here. I loved it.

Dad pulled all three of us into a big hug. There we were, as a family, hugging and sitting in the snow on Christmas Day. I didn't need a lot of presents like other teens. I had love. I looked at Dean, a wide smile across his face. I bet he was happy that I was. I mentally thanked him for bringing me here.

For bringing me back to regain my family.

For bringing me so that I can learn that I should be proud.

Proud to be called a Novak.

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