Chapter 18

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Monday morning, I couldn't stop thinking of Friday night. Dad dropped me off at school. I didn't hear half of what he was saying. I kept replying with yeahs and uh-huhs. I kept questioning myself. Why did it hurt? Dean did use the lubricant...  Why am I still hurting? When I got to the school, I had trouble getting out of the car.

"Castiel, are you alright son?" My Dad asked, I could hear the concern in his voice.

"I'm okay Dad.... I think I just a little too much Truth over the weekend."  I replied, concentrating on walking.

"Uhm, alright. But you be careful okay? And take care of your trenchcoat!" He called out to me, as I continued making my way to the building.

"Okay Dad!" I yelled back, distracted by the pain. I was hurting so bad. I don't know what exactly happened that night, but it still bothers me. Every time I moved my legs, sat down, stood up, or just twitched, it shot pain up my back and in between my thighs. I wanted to cry. But I forced myself not to. I didn't want to be the crybaby anymore. But it hurt.

Throughout the day, I walked slowly to my different classes. Trying not to need anything so I wouldn't have to get up. I would rub myself, without anyone looking, to see if I could get at least a few seconds of relief, but it only got worse. In English, I needed to sharpen my pencil. As soon as I stood up, I could feel that sharp pain hit me again. I yelped, and fell to the ground. My classmates around me jumped and ran over to my side.

"Castiel! Are out alright? You just fell hun!" My teacher said. She was small and sweet. Her purple eye shadow complementing her green eyes.

Green eyes.

I teared up as I thought about Dean. Realizing that my pain could have been his fault. How he could've hurt me. Physically. He did seem arrogant and prideful that day. On his birthday. Like he could do whatever he wanted. And I agreed that he could. But to do something like this to me....?

"I'm fine..." I said, fighting back the pain and standing up.

"Would you like to go to the nurse sweetie?" She asked, worry in her voice.

"No ma'am. Thank you." I sat back down on my chair, deciding to use a pen to finish my work. I pulled my trenchcoat closer to me. I sat there and waited for the class bell to ring. But each second was like an eternity. The pain was like it was taunting me on purpose. I cupped my face with my hands, wanting to cry so bad. But I didn't... I couldn't... I wouldn't do it in front of everyone in class. It would only drive more attention toward me. Then i would have lie. And then a rumor would spread. Music to my ears, the bell rang. I got up, ignoring the pain, turned in my assignment finished or not, and ran out; ignoring the pain. I had to go to the Aquatic Center after English. Where I would meet Dean. I huffed as I thought about him. Then I could feel somebody yank me back.

"Hey Baby!" I heard Dean's voice, as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.  Quickly, I pushed him off and stumbled a bit. He gave me a confused chuckle. "Uh... are you okay?"

I panted, I didn't answer him. I just fixed my trenchcoat and started to walk again. He grabbed my arm and pulled me around.

"Hey! I asked you a question!" He asked, a little louder. I pulled my arm from him.

"I'm fine Dean! Knock it off!" I replayed, huffing slightly.

"What is wrong with you? Tell me."

I looked at him, hesitant to say anything. "I'm hurting Dean.... Ever since Friday night... I've been feeling nothing but pain."  I stammered.

Dean exhaled sharply, and looked down to the ground. He scratched the back of his neck and wiped his face. He glanced at me. "I'm sorry... about that."

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