Red Herrins And Dark Dates

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Tombstone, Arizona, 1880.

Alex adjusted the hat that sat on her head to shield her eyes from the sparkling water that filled the long water tube where a few horses currently drank greedily from, the boots she wore clung uncomfortably to her feet, her brown eyes darting around her as she tried to take in just where she was.

Time travel was not something she was used to just yet, she came from the hustle and bustle of twenty-first century National City right now she was watching a family visit town on a horse and carriage travel as slow as a snail on weed.

A big bustling crowd of smoke collided with them as they entered the saloon and old western jig being played loudly by a rough-skinned hard-living band in the corner of the room, loud shouts and laughs called out around them as the patrons of the Nomad saloon came to life.

The saloon counted itself the biggest of the one hundred and ten saloons that inhabited in the town.

Alex let out a cough her lungs being assaulted by the hard cigarette smoke that attacked them. "I can't see Quinn in a place like this." The redhead winched as she batted away the cloud of smoke from her presence.

Sara was about to nod when she caught sight of a tall busty redhead, her ample bosom dangled in front of a table of gamblers as she poured them a refill of their order into their tumblers. "Hmmm, on the other hand, it's also definitely the kind of place she would be."

"Girl Fight." Mick lifted his eyebrows up with enthusiasm, his eyes wide and alight with glee at the prospect of a fight.

"Grow up," Alex said sternly pushing her hat up from her face, she felt for sure being stuck in cowboy gear was going to be the worst thing that had ever happened to her, the fact that Zari insisted she take pictures so that Quinn would not be denied the pleasure of seeing it was just the final insult. "We should have left him back on the ship," Alex said turning to Sara.

Sara faintly heard the words and yet she didn't take them in, her blue eyes were too busy setting on the room around her, every movement and everybody was scrutinized. A random tip-off that Quinn may be found in Tombstone, Arizona in 1880. Sara knew that Quinn had been back to this time once, Sara remembered Quinn. Telling them when they'd found themselves in the home of the crazy Earp woman, but was she here now?

"I'm going to ask that redhead if she's seen, Quinn," Sara said her eyes focusing on the woman, her plump red lips made Sara want to punch her, she was Quinn's type. Was Quinn upstairs in her bed, naked waiting for her to finish so they carry on their lovemaking? Had she touched Quinn?

"Quit the crazy thinking, it's not helping anyone," Alex whispered into her ear, slipping her hand through her arm. "Quinn didn't leave willingly remember, none of us did. She didn't leave for a sexy busty redhead in 1880."

"Don't you start saying she's attractive." Sara turned harsh eyes onto her lover.

Alex rolled her brown eyes. "Just go and talk with her so we can leave, I'm worried about the damage my lungs are taking from all this cigarette smoke."

Stealing herself ignoring the fact that Mick had taken a wander over to a gambling table and sat himself down, his hat perched over his face as he pulled a cigar from his lips, being a cowboy and a gambler seemed to be a good look of Mick Rory.

Together Sara and Alex walked towards the woman, her bright smile set on a customer, she hadn't seen Sara and Alex approach her until it was too late and Sara hovered ominously over her.

"Hello, ladies." The woman smiled green eyes traveled between the two.

"We're looking for someone." Sara snapped.

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