Chapter 13: Reunion

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???: It's been a while Y/N.

???: I'm here............................My Angel.

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Third Person POV

All of the angels stood behind Imperious as the beacon of light dimmed down. Ozpin and all of the students covered their eyes as the light dimmed down. After the light dimmed down, there he saw 4 people in front of them now.

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A/N: I don't own of these! These go to their respectful owners!

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A/N: I don't own of these! These go to their respectful owners!

Y/N: L-Leah?

Leah: I'm here.... My angel.
She said with tears rolling down her face.

Y/N hugs her as tears rolled down his face.

Y/N: I-I've missed you.
He said as he hugged her tightly.

Ozpin and everyone all watched with mixed feelings. Ozpin and the professors smiled at the two being together. All the students were confused but one was smiling. This student was Blake. She was smiling at her protector being able to see the first human to "humanize" him. The angels all stared at Malthael as he lowers his weapons. Alexis and Alexia ran to Y/N and hugged him. He turns and hugs his 2 best friends as they hugged him.

Y/N: I've missed you guys so much.
He said to the three friends.

Alexis: We all missed you. Y/N.
She said as she holds his hands tightly.

Malthael: Hurry up.

Y/N then forms a ring around his arm and casts a spell. He gets up and waved his arm through the air. Malthael suddenly felt his armor and being slowly being ripped apart. Malthael looks at Y/N with fear as he tried to get out of the spell.

Y/N: You have the audacity to speak to me like you're my superior. You betrayed us. You wanted to destroy the human, the ones we swore to protect.

Malthael: Y/N. You can't kill me. I'm an aspect of death.

Y/N: Not anymore. I alone carry that title.

Y/N changes to his angel armor and forms a scythe.

Everyone all looked at him with shock and fear in their eyes. Ozpin and the teachers looked at him with fear at how powerful he was. The angels all looked at him with pride and fear. Blake was staring at her protector with fear.

Y/N: Not only did you betray us. You took the soul stone and nearly killed all of us. For this, you will die.

Malthael: I can't die.

Y/N: You're not an aspect of death. Not anymore that is. Now go to the void where all of the demons reside.

Malthael: Y-You were able to master it!

Y/N: What did you think I did during my years of exile. I perfected all of my spells. I could break your sanity and make it become my toy.

He said as he begins to crush Malthael's armor. Malthael begins to groan in pain as the armor. Y/N kicks Malthael away and grabs his armor.

Y/N: You may have been my teacher but you lost all the respect I had for you. You betrayed me. You tried to kill me. You took everything that made me human. For this, I'll put you into an endless loop. Goodbye Malthael. 

He said as he kicked Malthael into a portal and closed it. He turns around and sees Blake, Leah, Alexis, and Alexia all staring at him widen eyes. Blake slowly walks to him and stands in front of him. She looked at him as tears slowly fell. He hugs her, causing her to yelp. 

Y/N: I'll never leave you. 
He said as he hugs her. Blake hugs her protector as she cries. Crying out of joy, knowing that he is back to his old self. 

Ithrael: Come you three. I got to get you all back. 

Y/N: You all have to go back don't you? 

Leah: Y-Yeah. I wish I spend time with a little longer but I have to go.
She said as tears slowly formed. 

Y/N: I understand. I'm just glad I got to see you one last time. 

Leah: I'll always be here for you. My angel. 
She said as she places her hand on his heart. She looks at him with a smile and turns around. Ithrael opens a portal and Leah stops in front of it. 

Leah: I'll always love you Y/N! 
She yells. She then steps through the portal. 

Alexis and Alexia stood in front of their best friend with a smile. 

Alexis: Don't forget about us. Okay Y/N.

Y/N: How could I forget about my two best friends. I'll always be here. 

Alexia: Just know. We'll always be watching. 

Alexis: Don't hurt Blake too much. 

Blake blushes as she held Y/N's arm. 

Y/N: *chuckles* I don't plan onto. 

Alexia: Well we got to go. We'll see you when you go. 

They hug him as they shed tears. 

Alexis/Alexia: We will miss you. 

Y/N: I will miss you two. 

Alexis and Alexia walkd through the portal. Ithrael closed the portal and looks at them. 

Ithrael: Y/N. I'm glad you're willing to stay behind to watch this mortal. 

Y/N: Thank you Ithrael. 

Tyrael: Y/N. Thank you. 

Y/N: I should be thanking you. 

Imperious: Now we did that. I suggest we head back. 

Auriel walks to Y/N and hugs him. 

Auriel: I'm glad you were able to find peace with them. 

Y/N: If it wasn't for Ithrael. Then I wouldn't have. 

Auriel: Just know we will be there if you need us. Archangel of Death. 

Y/N: Thank you. Archangel of Hope. 

Auriel walks back to the other archangels and they all teleport-ed back to the high-heavens. Y/N turns around and looks at Blake. 

Y/N: I'll always be here. For you. 

Blake kisses him on the lips as she wraps her arms around him. He melts into the kiss and wraps his arm around her waist. 

Blake: I love you. 

Y/N: I love you too. 

Well here is Chapter 13 of DEPRESSED Blake Belladonna X Mercenary Male Reader! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! 

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