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Chapter 1


Things went really weird once my brother Whit and I went through the portal. For one thing we meant to go to the Shadowland, and yes it is dangerous for any human such as myself but we had good reason. See, ever since we defeated the One Who Is the One, a very bald man indeed, Whit and I have made continous trips to the Shadowland to make sure there are no more poor souls getting cornered by anything sinister; for example Lost Ones. But of course Whit and I never came to the Shadowland, we appeared in another unknown world to us.

Once we walked out of the other side of the portal, the land in front of us was in ruins. The houses, or what used to be the houses, were on fire and the smell of rubber filled the air. Then a blast shook the earth, to our left, then to our right, and soon overhead.

"Wisty run!" My brother yelled. I just stood shocked and scared. Was this what the world would have looked like if the One Who Is the One took my gift? I felt a tug on my arm. "Wisty don't daze out now, you red head! We need cover! Like now!"

Whit dragged me over to a house untouched by the flames and broke down the door with his athletic foot. He pushed me inside and dragged both of us under a sad looking table. I glanced around the house and decided the table wasn't the only thing in the house that looked really sad.

"This doesn't look so safe." I said to my brother.

"At least we are out of harm's way; it's best to be under something." Whit shouted under all the noise of the bombs.

"Whit that is such crap and you know it!" He gave me a look and I knew he didn't appreciate my comment. "Where are we Whit? Weren't we supposed to be in the Shadowland not this war zone?!"

"You think I would know this, I know just as much as you Wisty!" Another bomb burst to the left of the house and dust fell over our heads.

"Whit I can't take this! Don't you know any spells to protect us in a better way?"

Whit looked me in the eyes and nodded his head, "Yeah, um I have been practicing a force field spell for the past week but I'm not that great."

"Well admit greatness today brother because I would like to go anywhere but here after this insanity stops!" I pat him on the back and push him to his feet.

"Break a leg! But please don't, really."

"Right," he gave a strong stance and uttered a few words I didn't catch due to the bombs. Then a flash of light burst around his body and soon grew till it was around the whole house.

"Way to go Whit!" I cheered.

"Quiet! I need to concentrate Wisty!"

"Like you will get any with this entire ruckus going around." I retorted.

A while later, the noise faded down and soon all was quiet. Whit took a step out of place and the force field disappeared. He fell down to his knees taking large breathes, in and out.

"So much magic and energy," Whit said between breathes.

"It's okay Whit, you saved us." I said and just then I heard a meow. "Whit did you hear that?"

"Yeah I heard it too; I think it's a cat?" He stood up once again and walked to one of the two rooms in the house and came back with a furry ball in his arms. "Wisty, it is a cat!"

"Well what do you know; there is something in this world that is normal! Where did he come from?"

"Probably here this whole time, protecting his home. Sorry little guy," Whit said gently while petting his head. "Wonder what his name is?"

"Well let's not worry about that Whit, let's get out of here." I rushed out the door and faced hell. It had looked worse than we first arrived. More buildings were crushed and buried in the ashes of the fires that still blazed. I walked down a slight path and heard a crack under my feet. I looked down and horror took over to the point I ran back to Whit. He was still in the house with that muddy yellow-coated cat in his arms.

"I saw human remains Whit!" I yelled with tears coming out of my eyes. "Human beings have been killed in flesh in blood by those bombs!" It was my turn to fall to the ground and feel weak. "I'm so scared." I had never seen such a horrid place, it was just a little worse than the Overworld during the age of The One Who Is the One. This land was unfair and dangerous. Nothing made any since. "Whit we need to know where we are." I looked back at him and he nodded.

"We need to stay here for awhile though, alright Wisty? We need to make sure those things don't come back for a second round."


It seemed like a week since the bombing. We slept in the same room in that sad looking house with the two beds. It had not been used for a while, as it seemed even before the bombing maybe for little under a year.

"Wonder who lived here?"

"Not sure," Whit said," but all we know is that this town was very..." Footsteps neared the house.


"Stay silent," he whispered. He muttered another spell and soon I felt another force field around us, but this one I could not see. Warmth filled my cold body and I felt as light as a feather. The footsteps stopped at the door, and then entered the house. I could still see who it was and she didn't seem who I expected to be. I imagined a big man with a pick-ax, but she was not like this. I was way off.

She was only a girl of sixteen or seventeen, with her brown hair in a braid, brown jacket, pants, and hunting boots. In my opinion she was very stylish and too cool to be real.

"Buttercup," She says, "Come here Buttercup, want to see Prim? Buttercup, where are you, you cat?" The cat Whit found ran out from under a bed and the girl glanced in my direction. I'm doomed. But she just looked calm and jesters a smile. I look at Whit from other bed, but he just looks back at me with his hand signaling for me to not freak out. Easy for him to say when this girl is looking straight at me, and not his direction.

"Hey Buttercup," She kneels down, but Buttercup just sits in front of her wondering if he can trust this girl. "Oh come on! You survive the bombing of District 12, yet you still don't like me. Fine, but I am taking you anyway, Prim wants to see you. I need something to brighten Prim's smile with something you know." With that she scooped up the cat and walked out the front of the house, without saying another word.

"She saw me and she acted so normal. What's going on Whit? What did you do?"

"Well for one thing she didn't see you. We were invisible. That was the spell I had practiced more than the other one. Your turn to get the food this time. Since I saved our butts again for the second time."


Even more time passed and no luck came as to get out of this world. No signs of any portals or magic. The only thing that came out of this was that we both walked around this deserted town with no sign of the girl or anyone. That meant no one could hurt us. Then one day she came again. I gathered all my courage, with so many questions in my head and stormed out of the house. She stopped in her tracks and glanced at me surprised.

"I need to know where we are." I said.

The girl looked at me from head to toe, "Where we are is in District 12, or Panam to be more precise or what the rest of it is anyway. Who are you?"

"Wisteria Allgood, but I prefer to be called Wisty, thank you very much. Who are you?"

"You don't know me?"

"Should I, but I did see you once before, but I don't know your name sorry."

"Katniss Everdeen."

"Well Katniss, thank you for your cooperation but I need your help once more. Follow me into the house, please." I gestured her inside to find my brother sitting at the table. "Katniss, meet my brother Whitford but he just goes by Whit. Whit meet Katniss Everdeen."


A picture of Wisty at the side.

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