Hell's Kitchen

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My eyes were still closed when I woke up. The light, well there wasn't really a lot from what I could tell. My back lay against a hard surface. It wasn't a bed and it definitely wasn't comforting. My eyelids didn't want to open just yet from sleeping so long, but how long was I out? Who got to us? Slowly, I opened my eyes and from what I could tell I was in an office. Strange.

I couldn't move just yet, so I stayed where I was, waiting till I got my feeling back into my body. This was going to take a while. Then, I heard voices.

"You guys have any water?" It must have been Byron.

"I'm afraid not, but we have coffee." A female voice said.

"No, way. Don't let my secretary get you coffee. It is terrible." An unknown male butted in.

"Your secretary?" The woman replied. "I thought I worked for you and Matt last time I checked."

"And you do, but at the moment Matt isn't here. So at present you are my secretary."


Her retort was cut short when the sound of a creaky door opened.

"You're back." The woman said to whoever walked into the door. There were footsteps coming into the room, two sets of footsteps from what I could tell.

"We got water." Whit's voice came up.

"Thanks for helping Matt. "The woman spoke again. "I'm sure it would have been difficult for him if he were to get all of the stuff by himself. "

"Oh yeah, sure." The other man sounded sarcastic.

"Well, I am always glad for the help." The newly arrived man said. "Thanks, Whit."

"No problem, Mr. Murdock."

"Please. Call me Matt. I may be a lawyer, but right now I'm your friend."

"How's Katniss doing?"

"Still out-"

"She's awake." Matt said.

He knew it. Just like that without having to come into the room and checking on me. How did he know?

I got into a siting position as Whit came into the room. He helped me get off the desk that I was laying on and led me into the next room with the others.

Looking back I saw that the room I was in was a much darker room then the other two rooms in the office. It didn't have any windows at all. How depressing. I looked back toward the others.

There was Byron siting down directly in front of the desk in the middle of the room. On the other side was the woman, tall, blonde, and pretty. Then, right next to her siting down was a man in his late 20s or early 30s, with long hair that reached down to his shoulders, but wore a friendly smile that could somehow turn deadly if you were to piss him off. Beside Whit, who stood to my right, was the other man. He had brown hair and dressed in a neatly well fitted suit that made him handsome behind those round red glasses he wore. That was what surprised me about this man, he carried a stick with him and I knew. He was blind. Yet he was the one who knew I was awake. I have to be careful around this one.

"Where are we?"

"New York... still." Byron said. "Specifically, in the office of Nelson and Murdock attorneys at law. Foggy Nelson," he gestured to the long haired man, "Karen Page," the woman and then the blind man, "Matt Murdock."

"Lawyers?" How did it come to this. "What do we need lawyers for? Where are the others?" I looked at Whit. "Peeta?"

"I'm sorry. We got separated. Whoever shot at us took Peeta and Wisty. We were lucky. We ran away far enough where they couldn't get us. We will get them back Katniss." Whit put his hand on my shoulder and I knew he spoke the truth. He always did with me, ever since I met him.

"If only we knew who took them, " Byron said.

"If I didn't know any better it sounds like Shield."

"Foggy, you sure you don't mean Hydra. They infiltrated Shield." Karen corrected him.

"No, Foggy might be right Karen." Matt said. "The way they shot at them with tranquilizers proves that they aren't Hydra. They would have killed them instead."

"Or they wanted something from us." I said. "They took Peeta and Wisty. They might have wanted her powers and they might have mistaken Peeta for Whit."

"Well, how do we still find them? We can't just keep looking at the sky and hope to see a glimmer like last time." Byron asked.

"What Katniss said sounds plausible," Matt began, "and if that is the case, Whit they're going to come after you again."

I liked the sound of this. "If it is our only chance in getting them back, let's give it a shot."


Sure that offering Whit as bait would work, I was also very curious as to how easily Karen, Foggy, and Matt were calm after the fact that we just blurted out that Whit and his sister had powers. It took me time to wrap my head around the whole wizard aspect to begin with, so how were they so... what is the word Byron kept using... chill.

"Can I ask?" I started to say. "Why are you not surprised that we mentioned that Whit and Wisty had powers? I mean it is strange in this world too, right?"

Karen looked at Foggy, that meant he should explain. Matt just stared into the middle of nowhere waiting for what his friend was going to say.

"A while ago the world was normal, but just a few years ago, I want to say it started with Stark but he doesn't have any powers. Anyway, whatever, um... one by one, there have been people with special abilities appearing and it made a lot of people nervous. That changed though, big time, when the incident happened. The attack on New York, aliens came down from a portal that opened above the city. We were saved by Shield's super-powered force, called the Avengers. They all have capabilities that can save or destroy the world, but we still called them heroes. Again, just a little while ago, they saved the world, but at the cost of Stark's failure by one of his own creations. It was this creation of his that sent a city toppling back down to earth and threatened the extinction of our people. Now we aren't so sure that these are heroes anymore. Others have appeared, in Hell's Kitchen we have our very own Daredevil. He's pretty cool though, he recently took down the most corrupt and powerful man of this city."

For some reason when he said this, he stared at Matt who kept his cool, like he understood a secret meaning in the words Foggy said to us. He continued to talk.

"Specifically to answer your question Katniss, it is because very recently, people from all over have been obtaining powers caused by an infected source, supposable from an alien origin. Now we can't find any solid proof because there really isn't any evidence to go off, but Shield is keeping an eye on the situation and in the reports that we could dig up, they call these powered people, Inhumans."

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