His story and her story

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When Honeybee arrived for class, there were four other dragons from different tribes. A mudwing named Mosquito, an icewing named Hoarfrost (and he looked like he had a temper), a rainwing named Guava, and a sandwing, Grit. They all stared at her, but Shadow stared at them like he stared at Honeybee earlier.

What's he doing? Shadow then whipped his head around to stare at her. 

Hey, he has little silver teardrop scales near his eyes, I wonder where he got them.

The mature seawing at the front of the room spoke up, "My name is Webs, I will be your history teacher. Students, take your seats, and we will begin history. Now, as I say, open your scrolls to section one, first paragraph." and with that, he began droning on about history. Honeybee noticed that she was one of the few students that were actually interested in Pyrria history.

"Our first records of history in the tribes began at 1 A.S., can anyone tell me what A.S. stands for......the rainwings weren't lazy at the beginning of the tribes......... very good Hoarfrost...." as soon as he put down the scroll, all the students who weren't interested all of a sudden pretended to be highly interested. "CLASS DISMISSED" he shouted out.

It was a flurry of scales when class was out, but Honeybee managed to find Guava. She was about to ask Guava about rainwings being lazy, but Guava spoke up first.

"Hi, I'm Guava, nice to meet you. Say, what winglet are you in? Wait, let me guess, copper?"

"Umm, Yes, I'm in the copper winglet." Honeybee said, "what was Webs saying about lazy rainwings?"

"oh," Guava said, " a few years ago, before our current queen, our old queens basically had a line of rainwings that wanted something. Then she basically said 'Okay, you're off the hook, go do whatever.' Other dragons started stereotyping us like this. Not anymore however, because we have Queen Glory!" she puffed out her chest and looked proud. 

"Well, bye then! See you soon!" Honeybee said. With that, she dashed of to find Shadow.

Aha, there he is!  As soon as she thought that, Shadow's tail disappeared around the turn. That was funny, the second I thought I had him, he disappeared, she thought while pushing through the crowd of dragons.

After chasing Shadow for a couple minutes, he reached a dead end. 

Now I got you, just don't make me use my wrist stingers.

Shadow's shriek snapped her out of thought.

"Please don't sting me!" Shadow pleaded.

"How'd you know I'd use my stingers?" Honeybee demanded.

"I'd rather not say..." 

"Then SPILL!" Honeybee yelled.

"Well, when nightwings are born under one moon, they will either have prophecies or mind-reading. When they're born under two moons, they have prophecies and mind-reading. If their born under all three moons, they have both that are enhanced." he quickly whispered.

"How many moons were you born under?" she demanded.


"Huh? What is this talk about nightwing power?" said a creaky voice.

"Who are you" Honeybee demanded

"The names Stonemover" Stonemover said.

"Where are you?" Shadow asked.

"Down here" Stonemover said.

Shadow blew a small plume of fire, and he and Honeybee gasped at the sight of Stonemover. A dragon that was half stone.

"What the?!" Honeybee yelled.

"I am an animus. I enchanted my scales to turn to stone instead of my soul disappearing." Stonemover said.

Before Honeybee could ask what an animus was, Stonemover and Shadow let out an even louder gasp than the one that Honeybee and Shadow had let out when they saw Stonemover.

"What? What is it? What's wrong?" She asked.

"Y-your eyes," Shadow stammered " They're w-white"

Stonemover's eyes rolled up in his head, and he fainted.

"Oops... oh well." she said.

"Let's take you to the infirmary." Shadow suggested.



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