Animus Magic?

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A/N: My homescreen

Honeybee was reading a scroll about animus magic. Again. 

"Hey Honeybee, what are you reading about?" Guava asked, poking her head in their sleeping cave.

"Animuses. I wonder if there are any on Pantala," Honeybee gasped, "What if we're animuses!" Guava looked both intrigued and concerned

"Honeybee, it's a curse. I hope we don't have it." 

"Well, Guava, let's just test ourselves to see if we're an animus," Honeybee paused "Let's grab Grit, Garnet, Hoarfrost, River and Shadow." Guava and Honeybee dashed off to find all of their friends. Clownfish walked in and noticed the scrolls lying around. He picked one up, A Brief History Of Animus Dragons.  

"Animuses, hey? I wonder if I'm one." Clownfish mused, "Scroll! Fly up and hit the ceiling, then fly back down!" And as soon as he commanded that, the scroll did as he said. Clownfish dashed out of the room, only to see Tsunami standing in the hallway. Crap 

"What were you doing talking to that scroll?" She demanded

"Uhhh, seeing if I'm an animus?" Clownfish answered

"Are you?"


"Ok, just tell me if you see any. Bye"


As soon as Clownfish could, he rushed back to his sleeping cave.

"Sooo, animus testing, right?" Grit said with caution.

"Yep!" Honeybee said, over-enthusiastic

"I'll go first," Garnet said, "SCROLL! PAINT GRIT PINK!" The scroll still sat where it was, not painting Grit.

"Oh thank the moons." Grit said, picking up a rock. "Rock! Turn into gold!" But the rock stayed rock. 

"Darn. Ok, my turn." Honeybee said. "Rock! Turn into a cactus!" But the rock stayed rock.

"Scroll, turn into water." Guava calmly said. The scroll stayed papyrus.

"I enchant this scroll that any dragon can summon a ghost of another dragon by saying the dragons tribe and name." Shadow said. Then Guava picked up the scroll and whispered Whirlpool the seawing. Luckly, Whirlpool didn't come. 

Then came Hoarfrost, "I enchant this scroll that whenever a dragon touches it, they can turn into any dragon they want." Then Shadow touched it and, well, he stayed as himself.

"And then there was one," Honeybee and Guava said in erie unison.

"Sheesh," River said, clearly annoyed. " I enchant this rock to turn into a bowl of water, and to always be full of water." The rock then turned into a bowl of water. Then the Icewings could here a scream of delightment and fear.

"River, did you know you were an animus?"  

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