The Rainforest

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When Honeybee walked into the rainforest, her eyes first landed on some lichen. "Lichen!" she shouted, running over to it and scraping it off.

"What, do you study lichen for a living?" Guava teased, 

"no," Honeybee replied, "in Pantala, there's only moss in the Poison Jungle. We sprinkle a bit in our rice then we eat the delicious flavors it becomes."

"What's rice?" a voice said, coming out all of a sudden.

"Hey, I think we're getting closer to my home because," Guava paused, "My brothers are spying on us"  She snarled, and reached out into the brush and pulled out a white male dragon.

"It was a welcome committee, sh- AGH WHAT THAT?!" he yelled, pointing at Honeybee. 

"She is a hivewing, get used to it nincompoop" She replied to her brother.

"My name is Jaguar, not nincompoop" Jaguar said, "and Honeybee should be in Burn's weird- ACK" Jaguar yelped as Guava tightened her grip on his neck.

"GO BACK HOME." Guava growled.


"NOW" with that, Jaguar darted out of sight. "We should probably get to Queen Glory."

A/N: Just a quick chapter, I'm wanting for them to get a move on and meet Glory. And to teach Deathbringer a lesson:  Buzz buzz bye bye. (wut)

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