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"Wasp, are the armies ready?" Lady Jewel said, "I prepare to lead them, Wasp. Control them all you want, just make me General, okay?"

"Fine, you'll be General, but just for this." Wasp grumbled

"Have the scouts found any large resting spots in between?"


"Has each soldier got their food packs, medicine and weapons?"

"Yes, Jewel"

"Good." Jewel walked outside, to the crowd of waiting soldiers. "Fellow hivewings! My daughter has been taken to Clearsight's Land! We will retrieve my daughter, Lady Honeybee, and return. The following hivewings will be coming: Bombardier, Hawker, Katydid, Beetle, Ant, Grasshopper, Sandfly, Weevil, Chafer, Midge, Dragonfly, Cochineal, Lubber, Malachite, Pinacate, Rootworm. The following silkwings will be going: Argus, Tau, Temora, Whitespeck, Burnet, Cinnabar, and a flame silk, Admiral. All in favor?" A chorus of 'Aye's rose from the crowd. Jewel walked off the speech platform, and told the guards to get the lines ready.

"We're going to New Pantala," 

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