A Quick Chapter: The Infirmary

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As Shadow walked Honeybee to the infirmary, no-one noticed the dragons sneaking and spying on them. Waiting to gossip about how much of a freak Honeybee was.

"My goodness!" exclaimed Clay, "how did this happen?!" he asked Shadow 

"She was chasing me to ask why I stared at all the dragons, and we came across some dragon named Stonemover, and he fainted because of Honeybee's eyes an-" Shadow answered

"How this happened, not Stonemover's reaction" Clay said "wait, I should probably go tell Sunny that her father fainted." 

"It just happened, that's all" Honeybee said

"Wait, your eyes are back to normal" Shadow said

"Well, Shadow, keep an eye on Honeybee incase it happens again, ok?" Clay said

"Ok, I will." Shadow said

A/N: sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to hurry up to the next POV!

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