Rough Night

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It was 11:43 p.m. and you were out partying with a friend or yours, whom you had lost in the crowd. You had been there at the club for about six hours trying to drink away the pain. You had just had a fight with you boyfriend Calum and felt like total shit. Your friend decided to take you to get it off your mind, but it didn't seem to help after about an hour or two. You sat down at the bar and started to drink and drink to try and forget. Of course, he always came back into your mind.

The bar tender walked by cleaning a part of the counter, "You going to be alright, Miss?" You looked up at the man. He was wearing a dark, green button up shirt and was bald. You rubbed youveyes and face and gave him a small smile and nodded, "Could I get another?" Theman gave a sort of smile and grabbed the liquor off the counter beneath and poured some into your cup. You looked around to see the flashing blue lights and the crowd singing and jumping up and down. You turned back around and facplanted you head into your palms.
Why does this always happen?
I'm always going here when we fight.
I just want everything to be okay.

You felt someone drag their hands down your back to your waist and you jumped a little from the chills. Their warm lips pressed against your skin upon you neck all over, but softly, "I missed you, Baby. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You felt his breathe on your neck and then his hands starting to massage your waist and you ripped his hands off. "Calum! You can't keep doing this!"

You stepped off the stool, pushing him out of your way. You started for the stairs to the right of the bar when Calum grabbed your arm, holding you back, "Baby, please. I'm begging you! I need you! I fucked up, okay?! I know. But I want to work on this. On us. Please, Baby." Calum was down on his knees holding your waist.

For God's sake.

You ran your hands through your messy hair and knelt down grabbing his face, "Baby. You promise?"
"Oh my God, yes! I promise, Baby, I promise!"

As mad as you were, you couldn't help but kiss him. You layed your plumped lips on his and Calum pressed back softly. He put his hands on your waist and pulled you closer. Calum then stoop up pulling you with him and lowered his hands on your add and gripped hard. He stuck his tongue in your mouth and you let him. You guys were getting hard into it when you pulled away gasping for breathe, "C-Calum...Not here..."
"Okay, Baby, okay...Jump up."

You jumped up wrapping your legs around his waist and he walked you guys upstairs to an empty bedroom. You didn't care to ask questions about the mysterious room. Instead, you let Calum lock the door and throw you an the bed and lay on top of you starting to kiss you neck again. "Baby, I want you. I need you. I'm sorry I've been such a jerk." Your body started tingling in all the right places. You ran your hands through his curly, black hair, "It's okay Baby, we'll work it out. I want you too, Cal." He looked up at you and sort of smirked. You laughed and he kissed you aggressively, grinding a bit in between you legs. His hands started moving up your stomach and you got chills. "Just take it off." Calum ripped off your shirt and you started taking his off, throwing it on the floor. He started kissing your neck softly and started to slowly make his way down. Everything inside you was tingling and getting jumpy and you just wanted him to get it over with. He got past your belly button and started licking your shorts making you bite your lip. "Come on, Cal..." You tried not to be impatient as he pulled off your shorts and underwear. He started to tease you by lightly licking in betweeen your legs. Then he started to suck and inserted his tongue in and out causing you to moan. He started going in harder and faster when he slowed down and sat up. He then took his pants and boxers off and layed in between your legs resting his head on your chest, "I'll be gentle at first okay, Baby?" You gripped his bare back and kissed his neck, "Okay, Baby."

You pulled him up and smirked at him. He looked confused and then you rolled him over and went down towards his dick and slowly swallowed it into your mouth. You went slow at first licking the tip giving him a little tease. Then you sucked the whole thing and started speeding up. Calum let out a moan and you pulled it out letting him take control. He rolled back on top of you and positioned himself in between your legs and slowly inserted himself in order for you to get use to him. Then he started thrusting back and forth. You started to dig your naild into his back as he got faster and you moaned, "Calum!!" He kept thrusting even harder and the room filled with moans and groans, "OH CALUM!!" You could feel yourself getting to you peak and could see that Calum was too. Then Calum went slow as he cummed inside you and you did too.

He pulled himself out and layed on you chest, holding you. You both were breathing heavily as you layed there.
"I love you," Calum said breaking the silence. You ran You hand through his messy hair and kissed his forehead, "I love you too, Cal."

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