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You had been sitting on a pool chair for what felt like hours with your knees pulled up to your chest with tears streaming down your face as you starred into the bright blue pool, which lit up the dark, silent night. Everyone had left the house so you were all by yourself. You kept thinking about what happened earlier and you couldn't help but cry even harder. Your phone was sitting on the table next to you. You kept hearing it going off, but you didn't want to check it until you had calmed down. So you just sat there and let everything out.


You had been invited to a party along with a couple of your friends, such as Calum, Luke, Ashton, and Crystal. Michael wasn't able to make it because of the small cold he had. He insisted that Crystal go though so that's why she had come along. She was always down to party though so it wasn't a problem to get her to come along with you guys.

The party was glamorous. There were Christmas lights hung up everywhere which made the place look very exciting. There was lot of drinking. Lots of dancing. Some smoking here and there. That's how the parties went and you loved going to them with the group.

You didn't get too dressed up for party. You were wearing blue denim shorts with a maroon long sleeve crop top. You really liked the shirt because it was tight on you and showed your belly button piercing, which you adored. You didn't do much to your hair. You just straightened it and left it down. Crystal was wearing a cute, casual white and black striped dress with a flannel over it. She was always able to pull anything else. Ashton was wearing a red and black polka dot button up shirt with a black leather jacket and Luke was wearing a white flared shirt, which showed a bit of his chest. Calum was wearing a maroon long sleeve button up which had only been button up about half way to show off his tattoo he had on his chest. Calum was actually a very attractive guy. However, you guys were the best of friends and didn't think he thought of you in that way. He always hooked up with girls but they never lasted. They were all wearing boots except for you and Crystal, who were wearing cute black sandals that you guy got on a sale together.

You didn't realize that you and Calum almost matched until he said something, "Woah, Y/N! We're matching!" You looked at both of your outfits and laughed in shock, "Holy shit, Cal, we are! Except I'm wearing blue shorts and you are wearing black pants." He shrugged his shoulders and laughed, "Yeah whatever. We're still matching!"

The others laughed at you guys and kept saying that you had planned it, but you and Calum kept arguing that you haven't spoken all day and had no clue about the matching shirts. You all laughed and then Ashton yelled, "Let's go party!" You all jumped up in excitement and ran inside.

The guys went to the living room and you and Crystal went to the back to grab a drink. "This party is wild!" You yelled over the blasting music and the crowd dancing around you guys. Crystal took a sip out of her red cup and nodded as she jumped up and down to the beat of the music. You started to join her and you guys were at it for hours.

After a bit, you told Crystal that you were going to go use the bathroom. You walked into the house through the back sliding door. As you're walked upstairs to use the private and more secluded bathroom, you checked your phone. You had got a couple messages from Crystal telling you not to be long so that we could continue to party. There were a couple from Cal, which just read to have fun and be safe and if I needed anything to message him and let him know. Then as you get inside the bathroom and lock the door behind you, you notice a weird message pop up after scrolling through the other.

Ex: Hey Baby. I see you made it to the party. Want to come over here and have some fun??

You ignored it and placed your phone on the counter and pulled your shorts down and sat down to pee. As you flushed and washed your hands, your phone went off. You grabbed it to see who had messaged.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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