Asha's Beginning

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    Hello.  It's such a simple word, isn't it.  Hello.  But, it can mean so many things based simply on how you say it.  It can be a cheerful greeting, the beginning of a forced interaction, or just a thought thrown out into the world, like so many words are these days.  

    Oh, shit, sorry.  I got a little philosophical on you for a second.  Well, to take it from the top, hello.  I'm Asha Garrido.  I'm 23, I'm from Portland, Oregon and I'm listening to Connection by OneRepublic while I write this very sentence, right now.  I've been instructed to keep a journal while I'm here, mostly to keep me sane while I have to save the world and just sit back and watch the reality that I knew 4 years ago unravel and turn into dust.

    Well, I'd like to start from the beginning if you don't mind.  Well how could you mind, seeing as you're only a journal.  Crap, maybe I am going crazy...

Location: Peacock Music Store in Portland, Oregon

Date: January 2, 2015

***Asha's POV***

    I walk into one of my favorite stores, hoping it can save me from the nightmare that is gift-giving.  My cousin, Elena's birthday is coming up and I really need to get her something or else Mama is gonna flip out.  Then, her nerves will be frazzled and she'll fight even more with Papa.  That won't be good.  

    I head towards the music themed trinkets and find something almost immediately.  Elena does marching band and I found a pin that says I ❤ Marching Band so I'm good.  

    I decide to walk around a little more because this store is full of hidden treasures.  Seriously.  They sell harmonicas for $3 and cute socks for only $5.  All of a sudden, I see a glint of silver as an employee sets a rack of necklaces down.  I don't know what made the glint, but I decide to find out.  

    I walk over to the rack and see a silver chain with the two sad and happy drama masks on it.  I pick it up and notice that it fits perfectly in my palm.  I tend to take strange occurrences like that to be some crazy type of fate, so I decide to buy it.  After all, it's only $12.

    As I'm walking away from the shop.  I look through the bag to make sure that I have everything I bought and came with.  I pull my hand out when I feel a scratchy piece of paper that wasn't there before.  It says:

The code is whisky sherbert.  Remember that.        

    Suddenly, I am pulled forwards by some invisible force.  I topple forwards and I black out.  That's the last I remember for some time.  A few hours, I think.  I still haven't found out.

     I wake up and I'm in a clearing.  I see a door and I walk towards it.  When I get to it, I'm still a little wobbly and I lean against the door to catch my breath.  

     Once I've caught my breath and have the strength to knock on the door, I do.  A small section of the door slides open and I can see a pair of women's eyes.  She looks elderly based on the amount of wrinkles around her eyes.  

    "Um, I fainted and now I'm here.  Are we still in Portland?" I ask her because I really need to get back home just in case anything bad happens.  Which it tends to do these days.

    "Dearie, what's the code on your paper?" she says, as if already expecting me to know the answer.  Well, I do know the answer, but that's beside the point. 

    My fumbling hands slowly and carefully take out the piece of paper from inside my bag.  "It's whiskey sherbert, right?" I say, annunciating each word carefully because I don't want to accidentally say the wrong thing.

    "Yes, dearie.  Now, if you'll follow me." she opens the door and gestures for me to follow her down a winding hallway.

    "And," she continues, "My name is Wilhelmina Schmidt and no, you're not in Portland anymore.  But, don't worry.  You may be able to go back- if you choose."

    Her words unnerve me, but I still follow her.  It's almost as if we have an otherworldly connection.  Or, I'm just going batshit crazy.  

    Wilhelmina leads me to a door, says "Now, you have some bonding time with your new teammates."

    "Teammates?" I turn around to pepper her with questions, but she's no longer standing there.  She vanished without a trace.  I mentally prepare myself for anything that could be waiting for me on the other side of that door and then I grit my teeth and step through the doorway.

AN: Ok, that's the first chapter!  I'm gonna write the next 5 chapters about the experiences that the other five main characters go through during this same time period.  Hope you enjoy it!   

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