Yvonne's Beginning

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    Honestly, a diary seems pretty damn trivial to me, but my daily horoscope said that I'd have some trouble accepting a new routine today, so I'll attribute my reluctance to that.  

    So, let's get the introductions over with: I'm Yvonne DeMarcus.  I'm 23 and I've been doing what I do for 4 years now.  It's crazy how time flies.  We haven't necessarily been having fun, but we're saving the world.  It's not necessary to enjoy it, you just gotta grit your teeth and do what's got to be done.  No buts about it.  That's one of the less rewarding parts of the job- the sacrifice, the bloodshed, the horrors that you witness that are an active part of somebody's daily life.  It still makes me shudder.

    Anyway, to help any readers of this journal understand all the crazy stuff I say, I'm gonna take you back in time and tell you how it all began and about all of our mega-wacko adventures.  So, bear with me.  Lemme take you back to 2015.  Early 2015, at that.

Date: January 2, 2015

Location: Evansville, Indiana

    I walk into this music thrift store called Peacock, I think, with my then-bestie Arilyn Crewe.  She and I try to visit one new store per week and I let her choose this time.  It's some hole-in-the-wall that'll probably close down in a few years, but those, now those are our favorites.  The hidden treasures.  

    "So," Ari starts, "Let's split up and meet back here when we're done.  How 'bout in... 45 minutes?"

    "Sounds good to me." I respond, already eyeing some treble clef bangles.  It's our custom to shop til we drop by ourselves to distract ourselves from our shitty everyday lives.  Between my depression and her OCD, ADHD, and dyslexia, we've got a whole array of problems, but on Saturdays, we're just college students looking for cool stuff wherever we can find it.

    I suddenly decide to be bold and check out necklaces.  I don't usually go for necklaces, but, like I said, I'm feeling bold.  I notice a silver chain with the Shakespearean drama masks on it.  It captivates me, even though I'm not much of an actor.  Apparently, I find some sort of deeper meaning within it and decide to buy it.

    When Ari and I reconvene, we each have a bag with 5-7 things.  I take out the necklace, put it on, and begin to walk towards the bus stop with Ari.  All of a sudden, I get a text.  I open it and see that it's from my mom.

Hey, hon.  Your brother needs to be picked up from his lacrosse tournament and everyone else has stuff going on.  I know you do too, but everyone else's is stuff they can't get out of.  Could you pick him up?

    The flippant manner in which she discusses my commitment with Ari feels like a literal slap in the face.  Okay, so my amazing (not) siblings suddenly control my life and can make me drop everything simply to bend to their will?  Not if I have any say over it.

    But, alas, I don't at the moment.  So I text her back:

Sure thing, Mom.  I'll get him right away.

    "Hey, Ari," I walk over to tell her the bad news.

    She spins to face me, with a questioning look on her face, "Yeah, hon?"

    "My mom needs me to pick up Oscar from lacrosse, like right now.  I gotta go." I say sadly, gesturing towards the door.  "But, this little hole-in-the-wall is adorable.  I'll have to come back sometime.  See ya."

    "Okay." she calls back, "But, you really should stop letting your family control your life.  You gotta cut out the weakness, girl."

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