The First Mission (Pt. 1)

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(Eli's POV)

    "It's time for your first mission"

    The words echoed in my ears as I stared blankly at Tom.  For a second, I'd nearly forgotten the mission aspect of being a "secret agent" of sorts.  

    A poke to the arm startled me out of my thoughts.  I nearly jumped out of my skin until Asha placed a reassuring hand on my upper arm.  I looked down at her.  Her eyebrows were raised questioningly, and I nodded quickly to show her I was okay.  She pursed her lips and stared straight at the Tom, Leah, and Dr. Schmidt who were talking together, voices low.  It was clear there was some important news they weren't sharing with us yet.

    I decided to concentrate on the conversation happening between Scarlet, Will, Noah, and Yvonne.  Asha and I walked over to them and I picked up some of their chatter.

    "Mission?  What?  This doesn't make any sense!" Yvonne was in full-on panic mode, pacing, arms waving, her high-pitched voice cracking.

    Noah and Scarlet sighed in unison.  "Maybe you should just ASK THEM your questions instead of freaking out." guided Will.

    Yvonne blushed, and ducked her head, clearly embarrassed.  

    "I'm afraid Mr Vukovic has a point." We all spun around, eyes wide.  "Asking questions is preferable to worrying and worrying when you could channel that worry into productivity, simply by asking." Dr. Schmidt was standing behind us, arms crossed, flanked by Leah and Tom.

    "Now," Dr. Schmidt continued, "Any questions?" she asked, looking pointedly at Yvonne.

    "How do the necklaces work and how do they affect the missions?" Yvonne asked.

    Dr. Schmidt gave an approving nod.  "Thank you, Miss DeMarcus.  See?  Now, I know what's troubling you.  And that IS a very good question.  So, the powers provided by the necklaces can help you on your missions.  And the necklaces have power buttons on the back.  It's quite simple, really.  Just press the button, and when your body releases a surge of adrenaline, or a strong flow of energy in general, your powers will just come to you naturally.  You should instinctively react."  Yvonne was nodding, Scarlet was listening attentively, Noah looked significantly less bored, Will looked as though he was making extensive mental notes, and Asha looked nearly giddy.  I myself, was fascinated.  Telepathy, my power, was a fascinating subject.  I would have to read up on it.

    Tom cleared his throat from his spot behind Dr. Schmidt.  We all looked at him.  He pointed to his tablet.  "Mission." He reminded Dr. Schmidt.

    "Oh, right.  Yes.  Mission." Dr. Schmidt shook her head, as though she was banishing all other thoughts from her head.  "All right.  Gather up, you six, Leah, Tom."  Once everyone was gathered in a small circle around her, she began briefing us.  "We've had a hunch that a German-based terror cell called DAVGA is the one who kidnapped Arthur, Leah's uncle.  One of the main men in DAVGA, Christoph Fuchs is hosting a wedding tonight for his youngest daughter, Lena Fuchs.  It is rumored that many main DAVGA kingpins will be in attendance, including Karl Haas, Bertolt Schulte, and Gottbert Keller." She showed us their pictures.  "Tom and Leah have copies of these pictures for you all, which you will need to keep on you at all times.  Now, the mission is to go undercover at the reception."

    "Ooh, undercover.  How glamorous." Yvonne grinned.

    Dr. Schmidt smiled slightly.  "Yes.  Glamorous.  Now: here are the assigned roles.  Will and Scarlet will be going undercover as guests, Eli and Asha will be bartenders, and Noah and Yvonne will be wedding planners."

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