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Welcome to Landaris!

I ignore the totally-won't-get-annoying-welcoming-voice-later-on and step out of the portal and notice all of the merchant stalls and people bargaining over prices as well as the delicious smells coming from food stalls.

Mission! Meet protagonist ( +25 exp. +25 pts.)

[Oh look! Our first actual mission!] Yeah! I smile, 'can't wait!'

"Excuse me," I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to face the guy who is talking, "you're a noob too right?" His pale blue and gold eyes gleaming in excitement. 'Yep. Sure, call me a noob the moment you meet me... Alright.'

"Ye-?" He interrupts me.

"Great! Wanna team up with me? Please? I'm also a noob too, but we can face this amazingly harsh and beautiful world together!" He says and I'm about to refuse the gleaming ball of excitement when a "ding!" is heard.

Mission Complete! Meet protagonist

. . .

New Mission! Join the Protagonist's Party

. . .


"Sure, sounds great!" (<Fake happy Kira XD)

"Really? Great!" He says before tapping on some invisible buttons in front of him before I receive the party invite. After clicking accept, he introduces himself. "My name is Hendrickson! Hendrick for short, and my main weapon is a lance!" He equips his weapon to enforce his statement. Uh... what should I say?

"Er, Kiragaya... but you can call me Kira. My main weapon?" I glance at the cylinder on my arm, "I guess this thing?"

"I have no idea what that is! But it's cool!"

"Yeah, I have no idea either really..." We walk through the cobblestone streets talking about random things before we reach the "Mission Board" and he selects a mission that requires an entire group... With at least seven people...

"Why did you select that one?" I ask while Inwardly grimacing at his first choice for a mission, but I choose to hear him out.

"Don't you think it'll be more fun if we complete a mission with a large group of people?" And this is why protagonists have plot armor... "Oh look! A group of people! I'ma see if I can recruit them, be right back!"



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