Nine, Why?

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It's the end of school again and i'm with alucard at the library. No Claude today. Thank you Moon God, one person is enough for me to deal with. Although, knowing the reason behind those attack brings some understanding from their perspective, my body still refuses to forget.

So, it's math day, and Alucard looks like he got no trouble doing his problems i made while i checked his homework from yesterday about biology.

Checking here and there, i remembered that he's terrible at memorising. But his problem solving and logic is in fact isn't anywhere near bad. If he can wrap his finger on it, he'll answer correctly. Probably 2-3 weeks later he can even beat my score. Why i said so? because his chemistry is better then i am now. Bummer. But that's a fact. I can no longer teach him at it, (because i'm also bad at explaining chemistry, not because i'm stupid it it!) and so he moved on to Claude as his teacher. That makes my Tuesday off from him.

"Miya," he tapped the table thrice with his fingers near me so i caught his attention. "How do you solve this again?" He asked. I leer at the problem. But then because i'm not in a good mood, from bloody monthly thingy, i looked back to his biology homework. Yes, it's probably an excuse.

"Finish what you can first," i said short. His face looked like he want to say something but stopping midway. Probably because he how my face is, looking un'argue'able. So he shifted his position and back to his problems. 5 minutes later, i find something from one of the question on his biology homework to be odd, so i stood up and go to find a biology book. After getting the book i wanted to in hand, i noticed Alpha to be looking at me, somewhat eagerly. I waved at him, and was about to go back sit, but there's just this feeling that i should probably go to Alpha. So i did. And i was right.

"Hello, Alpha. I see you're alone again here," i said when i arrived there.

"Hello, miya. Saber and Angela are off to somewhere. They're kinda busy lately," he said in his robotic voice nicely. Ooh how i liked that tone! Any other boys talking to me are either trying to pick a fight, or wanting something from me (i could be wrong. But so far, it's like this. Take alucard before this deal as an example). Nope, not from this sibling, and definitely not from Estes. But he do lecture me. "Um, actually, i want to ask you some things." I nodded enthusiastic. Then he moved the book from in front of him to me and pointed at the problem. As you guessed it, it's sociology.

I laughed quietly, "I thought you've done asking me question because there's angela. She is the expert in sociology." He looked to the side bashfully, playing with his thumb. "Alright," i said, pulling a chair to sit. But someone tugged my arm, pulling it, so i took 2 or 3 steps backward. I looked at who it is and is immediately feeling agitated. But before i could say anything he beat me at it.

"I thought you're teaching me?" Alucard looked at me with a cocked brow. I want to answer but his face goes to Alpha. "Look buddy, you have tons of other people you can ask to, so leave her be, ok? She's currently taken." He stated in a somewhat low tone, almost threatening. "I heard your sister is the expert at this," he took the sociology book looking at it, "so go to her. Ain't she your sister?" He placed the book back, then take a turn, pulling me with him. I tried to take my hands back from alucard's grip and stay with the poor guy. Not successful. So I mouthed sorry to Alpha before finally disappear from taking a turn, covered by the shelf.

Alucard pulled a chair and making me sit there. I eyed him with pure irritation visible but he just ignore me.

"What was that all about?!" I said, leaning myself towards him so i don't have to freakin' yell in this library.

"You're my teacher," he said, tapping his book with a pen, not looking at me, and resting his head to his free hand.

"I can be anyone's teacher, Alucard!"

Miya the Nerd (x Alucard? Claude?)Where stories live. Discover now