Fifteen, loss and gain

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This morning, as usual, i go to the library for a morning relaxation away from those troublemakers. Nothing out of ordinary, i would still avoid selena and her gang, vale and his gang, also Alucard despite our last stroll together thus i took a roundabout way to the library, only to be greeted with a renovation sign at the door.

Gosh, ar least they could give me a heads up on this!? Now i don't have my basecamp and i'm lost on where to go but my own class for now. I walk slowly, just so the bell rang before i arrive there, but that would be impossible because i'm always earlier than a morning bird. 2 hours before class start.

I arrived at the door, freezes because meeting vale, but he just give me a sharp, smug glance before going on to valir's class. Those two are like twins these days. If it's not for their hair and skin, i wouldn't be able to differentiate the two, but... why's he so early today?

I sighed, taking a step but freezing once again because of karina banging on the door with a laugh, not minding me at all thankfully, despite knowing me there.


Is... is this the effect of the deal before? Alucard must be working very hard. I mean, i never really knew how it would affect me, but wow, this is a miracle.

"Are you going in or what?"

I raise my head to meet Claude's, leaning on the door pane, sipping on his banana milk with dexter behind his neck hanging. He greeted me by going to my shoulder.

"Oh- uh, you go ahead." I shyly geure for him to go in first, which raises his eyebrow.

"I'm not going in," claude shrugs a little.

"Then why're you here?"

"You're kinda in my way."

I squinted my eyes, glancing at the rest of the *cough* wide hallway. I mean, i'm standing near the wall, so how's that my fault?

Back to his face, which i glare, i stomped my way in.


I whip around, "what!?"

"Return dexter please?"

I looked at the small monkey that hop twice with a wide grin holding my wallet.

"What the- how'd you get that?" I reach out my hand to take it back which he reluctantly give as his under Claude's sharp gaze before i walk back to the banana man.

"Here's your son, now i'll be on my way," i nodded, letting dexter reach claude's arms and rest to his shoulder. "Next time don't bring him here, you know it's against the rules."

"Rules are made to be broken, 'sides he's not going into class with me." Claude patted on the chimp. "Why're you not in the library by the way?"

"Renovated," i shortly ended before walking further to the class.

Claude eyed me for a while and then proceed to approach my desk, going as far as bending down to whisper at my ear.

"How 'bout you go with me find a new place to crash while they renovate the library?"

I jolt, covering my ear that turned red, now spreading to my face too i assume.

He straightens up, laughing. "Com'on."

He urged me, just like when we're at the minimarket. Charmingly moving my legs to follow him before i know it. Thankfully, holding a book i want to read.

We arrived at a garden just at the back of the school building, where the court is just a mile beside it. I notice Claude's going to a flowerbed stepping on small stones set there so he wouldn't damage the flowers and headed to a broken fence.

Miya the Nerd (x Alucard? Claude?)Where stories live. Discover now