Chapter 3

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You blatantly stare out of the passenger seat window, with a dreadful glaze you stare at school that is waiting for your presences. The car parks, allowing you a moment to regain your strength. It's Saturday 24th March. You're very first Saturday detention and possibly not your last. You hear a sigh from next to you.

A sigh coming from your older brother; Mason (l/n). "Hey (Y/n),' he softly calls. You turn to give him your attention. You watch as he rests his forearms on top of the wheel of his pick up truck. Shoulders tense as if he's carrying the weight of the world on them.

"Yeah?" you weakly answer. Refusing to meet your brother's glaze.

"I know things are hard at home and everyone is so quick to jump the gun and point fingers.", Mason begin his speech, "But, just remember. You're my annoying charming little sister. If you need a moment to get away from mum and dad. Just buzz me and I'll come pick you up and we can eat a burger or something." Mason explain, finally catching your eye. Sending you a kind smile. "So, you don't have to break school property to get away from them alright?" Mason joke. Ruffing your hair in the brotherly fashion. As in messing your hair and causing slight head pain.

"Alright alright! I get it! Don't break glass!" You comment, swatting his head away. Mason lets out a chuckle. "Alright you, go in there and have fun." Mason comments. You roll your eyes and get out of the car. Not taking anything with you but your beloved cassette tape.


Entering the library, you spot five other students sitting at tables, all spread out. You witness Vernon pacing around with paper and pencils in his hands. "Alright people, we're gonna try something a little different today.", he speaks as he gives the two students in the front table a paper and pencil. He turns around and spots you walking in. "Ah, L/n. About time you show up."

"sorry sir, won't happen again" you apologies as you awkwardly walk in but Vernon simply brushes you off. "Yeah, I've heard that before." Vernon comment distrusting," Hopefully you can join us on time next Saturday" He declares, resting his hands on his hips.

You pause mid-walk and stand in front of the two students sitting at the front desk. "What?" you ask dumbfounded. "That's right. Another detention." Vernon reassured, holding a paper and pencil in hand," Now take a seat" Vernon place the objects on a desk. Indicating that's where you're sitting. Sharing a desk with a boy who is currently napping on two chairs.

" We are going to write an essay--of no less than a thousand words--describing to me who you think you are," Vernon explains as you slowly walk over. Just in time for Vernon to take the chair away that the boy was resting his feet on.

"And when I say essay...I mean essay. I do not mean a single word repeated a thousand times. Is that clear Mr Bender?" Vernon asks Bender, identifying the boy you're sharing the desk with. 'Ah, great. That guy' you think warily, remembering what happened on Thursday as you take your seat.

"Crystal" Bender answer reluctantly. Not caring about being here. "Good. Maybe you'll learn a little something about yourself. Maybe you'll even--decide whether or not you care to return." Vernon jab, staring down Bender. Leaving you awkwardly in between Vernon and Bender.

Until a boy sitting alone on a desk that opposite you raise his hand. "You know," he begins as he stands up" I can answer that right now sir...That'd be "No", no for me. 'cause..."

"Sit down Johnson" Vernon cut Brian off, the boy you got to help you with the intercom. "Thank you, sir" Brian thanked as he sits down. Vernon quickly gives Brian his paper and pencil, along with a person sitting away from everyone else. He soon walks back to the front of the room. "My office," Vernon point towards the open door that reveals his office," is right across that hall. Any monkey business is ill-advised. Any questions?"

" Yeah, I got a question." Bender nod, calling out. Vernon stares at him suspiciously. Not trusting what he'll say next will be a question. " Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?" Bender asks. Earning a few laughs from the students here. You even chuckle and give a quick glance to Bender before turning back to Vernon whose not impress.

" I'll give you the answer to that question, Mr Bender, next Saturday. " Vernon comment earns him an annoyed look from Bender," Don't mess with the bull young man, you'll get the horns," Veron states, trying to threaten Bender. Vernon turns to his office and disappears from sight. Leaving you and the rest in silence.

" That a brownie hound..." You hear Bender mutter to himself. Obviously annoyed from receiving detention. 'That's what you get bud...At least I won't be alone next Saturday'. You think to yourself as you get comfort along with everyone else. Just before you can reach for your music, you hear a loud snapping sound.

You glance around in surprise, even turning to Bender and holding eye contact with him. He looks just as surprised as you. He then silently nod his head, in the direction of the back. You turn around in your seat, like everyone else, to spot Alison biting her nails.

Everyone looks in shock and slight disgust as they watch Alison bite her nails. Eventually, Alison looks up and spots everyone watching her.

"You keep eating your hand and you're not gonna be hungry for lunch" Bender remark. In response, Alison splits one of her nails she bites off at Bender. "I've seen you before, you know" Bender points. Ignoring the fingernail. As everyone turns away from her, in time for Vernon to see them sitting properly as he watches from his office.

As he disappears again, you turn around in your seat once more. Alison sees this and raises an eyebrow at you. You merely give a small wave. Alison looks confused and taken aback before returning the wave. You give a smile and turn around in your chair. Ready to get comfortable, you hear Brian mutter to himself.

Turn to see him play with his pen, by resting it on his lip. You hear him mutter;" Who do I think I am? Who are you? Who are you?" Only to slowly attach his pen to the bottom of his lip. Wear the top bit rest against his upper lip.

"I am a walrus!" Brian softly declares. With the sense of being watched, Brian turns to his right and catches both you and Bender giving him a confused look. With you also giving a concerned look too. Brian then awkwardly laughs and take the pen off. Trying to brush this off.

You roll your eyes at this and ignore him. 'Boy, this is going to be a long day'.

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