Chapter One

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I woke up to my alarm blaring letting me know it was time to get ready for the first day of my junior year, I got out of bed rubbing my eyes as I did and walked over to my bathroom to take a quick shower. I washed myself off slowly making sure not to touch the bruise's from the night before and got out quickly wrapping a towel around myself and walking back into my bedroom to find an outfit for school. I laid my outfit out on my bed and let my towel fall to the ground to put on my undergarments, my outfit consisted of a large black hoodie that said "Satan is my Daddy" on the back in big red lettering and a pair of black legging with my black chucks. I walked over to my bathroom after lacing up my shoes and put some product in my hair to let it stay curly but not frizzy and applied a bit of eyeliner and chapstick. I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my backpack, cellphone, headphones, and skateboard before walking downstairs to my living room. I looked around a bit to hear nothing but silence which told me my dad was probably already at work, I grabbed an apple and walked out of my house locking it behind me before putting my headphones in my ear and blaring some music while I skated to school.

I showed up to school on time and finished my apple throwing the core into the garbage before making my way over to my locker "Do you hear me you slut?" I heard being yelled from behind me but just ignored until I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder "I said did you hear you slut!" I heard which made me turn around to be face to face with my arch enemy my ex best friend Jacob who punched me in the ribs hard enough for the wind to be knocked out of me and making me fall to the ground to clutch my stomach "Next time listen to me you fucking emo slut!" Jacob yelled once again at me before slapping me straight on the cheek. I hissed a little while clutching my cheek while watching Jacob walk away stepping on my cellphone cracking it all to shit and breaking my skateboard with his knee and dropping it back to the floor. I got up softly taking my time as everyone stared at me before the final bell rang, I walked over slowly to my cellphone and tried to grab it but I felt a sharp shotting pain in my shoulder which made me dizzy knocking me down to ground landing on my skateboard in the process knocking me out.

I woke up to a light beaming in my eyes which took me a minute to adjust to before sitting up softly looking at the white walls around to see a girl sitting in a chair next to the small bed and a nurse in corner looking at paperwork at her desk. I must be in the nurses office I thought while moving the blue quilt away from me "Are you okay?" I heard someone squeak which made me turn to see the black haired girl looking straight at me, I nodded my head in response "Sorry I didn't do anything while that punk beat you up" she said while looking down, I touched her hand and gave her a small smile before getting off the bed trying to keep myself steady while the pain came back to me like a raging pissheaded bull. "Marisol" the nurse said while coming over to me "Wouldn't be the first time you hurt yourself huh?" the nurse said with a slight chuckle, I smiled back towards her in response before she gave me a slip "You cut your head a little on your board but take some pain meds when you get home and you should be fine." the nurse before handing some bandage also "Take these and head home. Get some rest" she said while giving me a warm smile before walking away. I grabbed a piece of paper writing down a thank you and my number to the girl before handing it to her "Thanks Marisol" the girl said with a smile which made me smile in return before grabbing my bag and making my way out of the school. I walked all the way to Jeremiah house because if I headed home who knows what my dad could do seeing that I was home early, I knocked on Jeremiah's door waiting for him to answer it "Marisol" I heard a voice say which made me look up from my shoes to see Jeremiah beaming smile "Jeremiah!" I said back as I gave him a hug and walked into his house "Shouldn't you be in school? and what happened to your head?" Jeremiah said while going into the kitchen to grab some water and snacks for us "same old same old" I said softly trying to make myself comfortable on his couch "Do you wanna talk about it?" he said as he joined me on the couch "Not really. Can we watch a movie?" I said softly looking towards Jeremiah with a smile "Yes we can love" He said back before grabbing his remote and turning on the tv "Wanna watch your favorite movie babes?" He said while giving me a smirk to which I nodded my head quickly "Okay" he said while getting up and putting in A Nightmare before Christmas and walking back to the couch pressing the play button on the remote in the process. I cuddled into his side which he wrapped his arm around me and we enjoyed watching the movie together.

The movie ended and I got up looking at the time which read on the wall as 3:35pm "You need to head out?" Jeremiah said to me as he pulled his arm away from me "Yeah I should" I said while looking away from him "Do you want a ride?" he said while getting up from the couch stretching his arms into the air "Sure that would be nice" I said as I grabbed my stuff of the ground "Honestly why can't you move in with me instead of that low life piece of shit you are living with?" Jeremiah said as we put on our shoes "Because who knows what could happen to you" I said softly not making eye contact while I walked out of the house over to his car. He got into the car with me and drove me home while I played on my cracked ass screen "I'm getting you a new phone tomorrow okay?" Jeremiah said as he put his hand on my knee which made me blush a little "You don't have to" I said back as I tried to play a game " I will and that's final!" He said yelling that last part which made me nod back to him. Jeremiah pulled in the front of my house "Call me if you need me okay?" he said while reaching over to give me a hug "I will. I love you" I said as I broke the hug "I love you too" Jeremiah said back while giving my cheek a kiss before I got out of the car and making my way towards my front door. I unlocked it and stepped inside closing the door softly behind me "Marisol come here you skanky bitch" I heard a voice say with venom dripping from it which could only mean it was my father drunk out of his mind. I turned towards him and he punched me straight in the jaw which knocked me down "Where were you!" he yelled at me as I laid on the ground trying to find my strength to get back up "Where the fuck were you!" he yelled again as he kicked me in the ribs where Jacob punched me earlier "Answer me!" he yelled as he repeatedly kicked me in the ribs which finally made me couch up some blood "Fucking bitch! you should've died instead of your mother" he said before walking over to the couch. I sat on the floor for a little bit before gaining enough strength and got up from the floor "Leave my sight!" he yelled again which made me try to be as quick as possible to run upstairs clutching my stomach in the process.

I walked into my bedroom closing my door and putting my stuff onto the ground before walking into the bathroom to check my fresh new bruise's. I lifted my shirt up to see my whole stomach purple and scars from cuts earlier this week. I touched the bruise lightly seeing how bad it was and instantly regret it as I felt all the pain rush up to it and made me hiss in return. I grabbed some pain killers out and put them into my mouth before turning on the sick to drink down the pills with water. I washed my face quickly before putting my hair into a messy bun, I saw my razor blade sitting on the counter of the sink and felt the urge to drag it across my stomach but decided against it and walked into my bedroom grabbing out a gray tank top and gray sweatpants to match and changed into them quickly before hopping into my bed. I heard my phone make a sound which told me that I had a new text message grabbing it out of my bag and making myself comfortable again on my bed, I unlocked my phone and looked to see a message from an unknown number "Hey Marisol it's Sunny. The girl that took you to the nurse office. What's up" I quickly saved Sunny's number in my phone before texting her back and continuing to text her for the rest of the night before drifting into a rotten sleep.

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