Chapter Two

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I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and my stomach killing me. I huffed as I got out of bed and walked over to my closet to grab a random outfit which consisted of a plain gray sweatshirt and jean shorts with my white air force 1. I walked into my bathroom doing my daily routine before getting dressed and doing my hair and makeup quickly. My phone started to ding to alert me I had a text so I grabbed it while packing my backpack and lacing my shoes up "Wanna meet up in front of the school? :)" the text read from Sunny which made me smile before replying back to her "Sure I'll be there in a few xD" I sent back and walked out of my room downstairs to see my dad's car already gone so I grabbed an apple and my car keys before leaving the house and locking the front door behind me as I made my way over to Jeremiah's house where I kept my car. I punched in Jeremiah's garage code waiting for it to open to reveal my crotch rocket and my black charger which were gifted from Jeremiah and his parents, I quickly got into my charger plugging my phone into the aux as I started to car and started blaring Who I Am by Montana of 300 "Bye Mari!" I heard outside of my car which made me look up from my phone to see Jeremiah from my rearview mirror to which I waved at him before driving out of the garage and hitting the button for the garage to close before I headed to school.

I drove my car into an available spot in the school parking lot while my car blared Ultimate by Denzel Curry from the speakers with the bass vibrating the car a little bit which made all the students stare at my car for a bit before I turned it off and got out of the car making my way towards Sunny. "What's up Mar Mar" Sunny said while waving at me with one hand and the other clutching her backpack strap, I smiled back and waved back before both of us walking into the school walking straight to my locker so I could put my car keys in their and grab out my notebooks "What classes do you have?" Sunny said while leaning up against the locker next to mine, I gave her my schedule while grabbing the last of my shit out before closing the locker and looking to her for a second before I heard someone come up behind me and push my head into my locker which made me hiss in pain while falling to the ground "What the fuck dude!" Sunny yelled while pushing the guy who when I finally locked up was a friend of Jacob's and speaking of the devil he bent down in front of me grabbing my chin with his slender fingers and brought his lips to my ear "Honestly Marisol just go die" He said before retreating away from ear and looking into my eyes "Seriously" Jacob said before pulling his hand away from my face and walking away with his gang of popular's. Sunny helped me up and was leading me towards the nurse office which made me abruptly stop my tracks which made Sunny look at me and I shook my head grabbing her wrist and dragging her into our first hour class. "Sunny Min and Marisol Nelson you are both late!" the teacher said as I walked into the class and straight over to the back of classroom to my desk letting Sunny follow me and sitting next to me. I pulled my stuff out for class and was starting to write notes down when a piece of paper landed on my desk, I opened it up and saw in black lettering "Why does that guy bully you?" I looked over to Sunny to see her looking at me a little bit before paying attention to the teacher. I grabbed out my pen and wrote back "Jacob is his name and I've known him since we were in diapers. He started bullying me when we drifted apart in high school especially since I became mute after my mother passed of cancer when I was eight. I was friend's with him and my best friend Jeremiah. It broke both of us when he stopped talking to both of us." I passed the note back to Sunny's desk and started working on my notes again before I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked over to see Sunny looking at me mouthing a I'm sorry to which I responded with a slight smile and nudge of my shoulders.

*skip to the end of the day*

Turns out that Sunny and I have all of our classes together so we walked out of fourth hour of school which is our last class for the day and was talking about our theater homework. Well Sunny talking and I nodding or smiling towards her statements and questions. We walked over to my locker so I could put things away and grabbed my car keys before closing my locker door and looking towards Sunny as she talked "You stupid slut come here!" I heard someone yell in my direction which made me look over to see Jacob standing their and pointing his finger towards me. I gave him a resting bitch face and leaned up against my locker waiting for his next move. He walked over to me looking like he was gonna hit me but I looked at him the eyes seeing his brown eye's so close up made me burn up and making my stomach knot up, he looked back at me and I could see the guilt and sorrow in his eyes which made him lower his fist and do a double take towards me before walking away with his friends who bagged on him for not doing anything to me. "What the fuck was that?" Sunny said while standing next to me, I looked towards her and shrugged my shoulders before I made the follow me sign with my hand and walking out of the school towards my car. I pressed the unlock button which made my car make a noise while Sunny and I got into it putting our backpacks into my backseat and plugging my phone into the aux cord playing Dopamine Lit (Intro) by Lupe Fiasco. I turned it up a bit letting my bass vibrate my car and rolling my windows down so the whole student body could hear my music, I backed out of my spot and started driving towards Sunny's house "Holy shit this bangs!" Sunny yelled over the music and I smiled towards her continuing to pay attention to the road as I pulled up infront of her house "Thank's Mar Mar!" she said as she opened up her car door and grabbed her bag getting out of my car "I'll text you later to let you know about a ride tomorrow" she said bending down in my window which I gave her a thumbs up motion before she walked away from my car waving towards me and walking into her house. I pulled off and made my way to Jeremiah's house to drop off my car.

I dropped off my car and walked towards my house hoping my dad wasn't home or if he was he was asleep. I walked up my driveway to see my dad's car parked in front of the garage and my stomach dropped down to my damn knees hoping he would be sleeping. I unlocked the front door and opened it to see my dad passed out in the living room with a beer in his hand which made me blow out a sigh of relief. I closed the door softly and walked upstairs to my room closing and locking my bedroom door before dropping my shit on the floor next to my desk and taking my phone out of my pocket putting that on the desk also. I changed into some sweats and grabbed my dock out of my closet putting it on my desk "Marisol?" I heard a whisper which made me turn around and see Jeremiah climbing through my window "What the hell are you doing?" I said in a harsh whisper "I told you I was gonna get you a new cellphone" Jeremiah said holding out his hand that had a new iPhone in it "Awe thank you Jeremiah" I said back as I hugged him which he returned the hug before sitting on my bed "Let's do you homework" Jeremiah said with a smirk on his face which made me chuckle back before setting up my new phone and plugging it into my dock blaring Loco by MGK and doing my homework while Jeremiah played on his phone. A few hours passed and I was finally done "Finally" I said softly while getting up from my desk and walking over to my bed laying down on it with Jeremiah "Cuddles and movies?" he said while locking his cellphone and placing it on my night stand "Hell yeah" I muffled back as my face was pushed into my bed. Jeremiah got up and put in a movie before laying down next to me and cuddling with me for the rest of the night.

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