7 - dress fittings & even more breakfast food

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I don't know how I managed to wake up after that breakfast, but by some miracale I managed to roll out of bed by 10:30 and make myself look semi presentable.

After riding with Ashlee to the bridal shop, I stumbled out of her car, thankful to touch the ground.

“How the fuck did you past your driving test?” I asked her, my voice raised.

“Low-cut shirt and a push-up bra,” she said with a shrug, checking her make up in her compact.

“Why does that not surprise me?” I scoffed with a sigh. In the fifteen minute drive to the shop, Ashlee had nearly managed to kill us twice and almost hit five cars.

I pulled off my sunglasses as we walked into the shop. I was greeted by powder pink walls and a flowery scent that nearly gagged me. There was pick everywhere and white dresses out the who-haa. As I looked around aimlessly, Ashlee walked right up to the counter, hitting the bell. A middle-aged woman with greying hair walked out with a smile.

“Right on time, Ashlee Collins,” the woman said, a thick accent on her voice. She motioned for us to follow her. As we walked behind her, she popped into a store room and came out, garment bag in hand.

“Car, you're just going to love it!” Ashlee assured me as the woman led us to a fitting room in the back.

The woman hung the dress from the hook after closing the door behind us, and slowly unzipped the bag.

Inside was a dress, neon purple, yet still subtle. The bodice was draped and wrapped asymmetrically, tight down through the hips. From there, it was free flowing. To my surprise, I didn't hate it. Quite actually, I loved it.

“I know it's strapless, but you're going to have to deal with it. I wanted more of an olive color, but I had to settle with apple,” Ashlee ranted as I admired the dress.

“Strip,” the woman instructed.

I removed my top and shorts, leaving me in my bra and underwear, shivering. They got me into the dress and took me out to the mirror in the showroom to take notes of the alterations that needed to be made.

Ashlee and my mother had over guesstimated on my measurements, leaving me with a lot of extra room in the hips and waist. They had underestimated the size of my breasts and they were squished to the point that could barely breathe.

As they were taking the final measurements or my hips, one of the girls at the desk cried, “Cock in the hen house!”

We all turned to see Calum walking around awkwardly. He spotted us and walked over. His eyebrows rose when he saw the dress. Or at least when he was the long line of cleavage the tight top of the dress had created.

“Hi,” I said breathlessly, seeing as how barely any oxygen was reaching my lungs.

“Hey,” he said, still studying my figure in the dress.

“Alright, all done,” the seamstress, Kaya, informed me, closing her alteration book.

“Just let me change and I'll be right out,” I told Calum, shuffling back to the dressing room.

“He wants you,” Ashlee informed me as she unzipped the dress for me.

“Who wants what?” I asked, feeling the air return to my lungs.

“Calum. He wants you. Bad. He has ever since before you and Luke were even a thing. It's a little ridiculous,” she explained as I stepped out of the dress.

“Yeah, right,” I said with a scoff, pulling my shorts up my hips.

“Carsyn Collins, I might not know about a lot of things, but I do know about boys. And he wants you. In his bed. Hot, sweaty, and naked.”

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