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[Kai texting Beomgyu]

Kai: Hyung!

Kai: Hyuunnnngggg!

Beomgyu: Waeyo?

Kai: There's a flying black butterfly or moth or bee, or whatever it is inside the house! The eyes look so big!


Kai: Hyung? Reply asap.

Beomgyu: Nah, maybe you just saw Taehyunie...

Kai: I think it is cockroach!

Kai: I am serious hyung!

Beomgyu: J-jinjja?

Kai: I am.

Beomgyu: N-now p-pack your things and w-we're moving! We need to burn that house immediately!

Kai: Hyung, it just a cockroach. I can't catch it that's why I'm telling you.

Beomgyu: Exactly! A COCKROACH!

Kai: You're worse, hyung.




You're a legend if you know this. 😂


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