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*TxT Soobin when drunk*


Soobin: Do you come here often?

Taehyun: What? At the house?

Soobin: Yes this looks familiar.

Taehyun: Oh come on, hyung! Just come here will you?

Soobin: I really miss you!

Taehyun: (Throw Soobin at the sofa.) How come you miss me? We're living together, hyung! This is our house. And for Pete's sake, don't accept every dare for the f*cking bread. Yeonjun hyung, this all your fault!

 Yeonjun hyung, this all your fault!

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*Gives all the toys to Soobin*

Kai: Are you okay now, hyung?

Soobin: Where am I?

Kai: At our house?

(next morning...)

Soobin: Heuning Kai! What's this pictures?

Kai: I took some photos of you, hyung! If you ever kidnap Tobbin again, something bad will happen to you.

Soobin: Seriously?

Kai: You don't want to spread your photos at the SNS, right?

Soobin: But you don't know how to use SNS.



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Soobin: What happen last night? Why my body aches?

Beomgyu: Seriously, hyung! You don't know what happen last night?

Soobin: Y-yes?

Beomgyu: You throw some table, chairs, and many more things at the cafe.

Soobin: Why did I do that?

Beomgyu: You order for the second time around.

Soobin: That's good.

Beomgyu: But when he asked, "Can I take your order?" and you look at your bread.

Soobin: And I thought that the waiter will take away my bread? But the question is, "why my f*cking body aches?"

Beomgyu: We just punch you, hyung.

Soobin: What?

Beomgyu: Drink again and I will use it you.


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Soobin: This looks familiar...

Yeonjun: Yeah... looks familiar...

Soobin: Oh... this my house!

Yeonjun: What a coincidence, this is my house too! Are we married?

Soobin: Married? (eyes widen)

Taehyun: The f*ck? Probably because we're living together, idiots! Don't drink again you two!

Kai: Yeah. You two giving us headache.

Beomgyu: Just punch them if they are annoying.

Teahyun: Good idea.



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