The Dare.

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Enjolras stumbled into the bar in which he promised to meet his friends, expecting it to go exactly as it always goes:
Go in, talk to the guys, pretend to listen to Jehan's reams of poetry, watch Courf do something absolutely ridiculous,
You know,
The usual.
Little did he know this was the beginning of the first day of the rest of his life.

He rubbed his tired eyes and scraped his soft blonde curls back as he pushed the door of the Café Musain open and couldn't help but crack a smile when he saw Courf waving madly from their usual spot in the corner of the bar, sitting with Jehan, Joly, Feuilly and Combeferre. He grabbed the nearest stool and plonked down beside them.

"Alright Enj?" Couf said, grinning cheekily with his unruley mop of chocolate hair hanging slightly over his eyes.

"All good Courf" Enjolras replied, rolling his eyes at the pet name. "And dont call me Enj..."

"Of course not Enj" he grinned, giving him a little wink and earning himself another eye roll from Enjolras before turning to the others.

"Alright, who's getting the first round?"

The question hung in the air until 'Ferre sighed a sigh of defeat.

"Fine. But shots are on you later Courf" he chuckled, giving him a playful nudge before making his way to the bar.

And just like that, it was how it always was...
Joking, laughing, with everyone getting considerably less sober by the second. It was at times like this that Enjolras could appreciate how lucky he was to have such a loyal group of companions. He was content. (Apart from all the arseholery that was the government but we won't get into that)

A couple of hours into their usual banter, Courf gave Enjolras a lazy grin and he inwardly groaned, knowing exactly where this was going.

"So Enji, when are you gonna finally give in and just go and make out with someone already?"

Enjolras groaned and sunk into his chair.

"Courfeyrac. For the millionth time, I am NOT changing my mind. I do not need a relationship and I am perfectly content living without the burden of love and heartache thank you very much."

Courf threw his hands up in defeat.
"Oh come ON. You can't be an emotionless robot your whole life."

Enjolras was about to reply when Jehan cut in, and he made a mental note to thank him for that later.

"Come on Courf, babe, don't wind him up" they said before pecking him on the lips.

"Although, Enj I do think it would good for you"

Dammit...not Jehan too, Enjolras thought, lightly banging his head against the table, preparing his usual monologue about how he does not need a relationship and he is more than content by himself when he is saved by a very disheveled Marius running in.

Enjolras lifts his head off the table.
"Marius, you're late." And boy he has never been more grateful for it.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I got caught up with Cosette" he said, attempting to flatten his, what one would call, 'sex hair'.

"We can see that." Feuilly snorted teasingly and Marius turned a light shade of pink, desperate to change the subject before they asked questions.

"So what are we talking about??"

Courf takes off before Enjolras can even get time to stop him.

"Oh nothing, just that Enjolras needs t-" he claps his hand over Courf's mouth before he can go much further and quickly interjects, having no desire to continue their previous conversation.

"We where talking about Jehan's new poem! Yup! Thats right!"

"Oh ok." Marius said, looking slightly unconvinced, but not bothered enough press any further.

Enjolras shot Courfeyrac the 'if you mention my love life again then I'll go on a rant about the French government' look, but only got a wink and mischievous grin in return.
Wow...this was going to be one long night.

-2 hours later. Les Amis are considerably more intoxicated than previously~

Joly had just gone to buy the, what must have been, fifth round of drink and Enjolras had thankfully managed to keep off the subject of his love life. He looked round the table at his friends. They weren't drunk...yet. But they had definitely entered 'happy' mode. A few minutes later after Joly had returned and Jehan had recited his poem...again...Courf cut in.

"gUYS! lets play truth or dare!!!!" he said (a little to exitedly for Enjolras's liking) whilst jumping in his seat like a 5 year old.

"Yeah! Good idea!" 'Ferre said, obviously losing the train of rational thought, as the rest of the group nodded in agreement.

Well this just wasn't going to end well.

About 10 minutes later into the game: Courf had been dared to go up to the bar and flap around like a chicken,
Feuilly had to try and chat up a waitress by turning one of Jehan's poems into a rap,
and Combeferre was currently trying to do laps around the bar without getting thrown out.

Finally, when 'ferre has come back from his mini work out, Courf and the others turned to me.

"Alright Enjolras. It's your turn" he said smirking

Oh joy.

"Truth or dare?"

Enjolras sighed, debating on whether he should lose his privacy or his dignity first, and took a deep breath.


Anyone who knew Enjolras, knew that he never said no to a dare. And this was the beginning of his problems.

Courf sat there thoughtfully for a second before he suddenly smirked and grinned evilly, making Enjolras immediately regret everything.

"You have six months to make somone in this very bar fall in love with you, and at the end of the six months you have to break their heart." He said grinning.

"You can chose the gender, but we get to choose the person" he added.

Enjolras blinked. Then blinked again, truly hoping Courf was about to start laughing and tell him he's kidding.

"Courf. Thats not fair! You know I never say no to a dare." Enjolras argued, but knew it was no use.

"Exactly" he said smuggly

"Guys?! you cant seriously be agreeing with this? It's just cruel!" Enjolras exclaims, turning to the others, looking for back up.

"I must say its a bit over the top, but a dare is a dare Enji..." Jehan says giving him a sympathetic look. The others nodding in agreement.

Enjolras reflected on how immature this whole situation was but knew he wasn't about to get out of it.

"Fine. I'll do it."

The words come out of his mouth before thinking them through properly.
Oh well....How hard can it be? Enjolras thinks.
Meet said person, start a relationship, hopefully said person will fall in love with him, and then break up with them. Then he never has to see that person again. He can get on with his life, and they can get on with theirs.

"Good." Courfeyrac says, stretching his hand out for Enjolras to shake it.
'Well, here goes my life for six months' Enjolras thinks,
and before he changes his mind, takes Courfs hand, sealing the deal.
Leaving Enjolras feeling like he'd just sold his soul to the devil.

Authors note:
Hey guys, so incase you haven't read my latest update, I am re-editing/re-writing this fic, so it's going to be a bit messy for a while until I get it all done, thanks for your patience! Happy reading <3

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