Chapter 4

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You doodle on the piece of paper. Drawing shapes and lines with no real goal. You caught movement in the corner of your eye. You look up to see Bender about to take his jacket off but pause in the process to glare across the room. Confused, you look in the opposite direction to see Brian doing the same.

As Brian pause, you hear movement and watch Bender take his jacket of all the while staring at Brian. You turn around again a notice an uncomfortable Brian rubbing his arms. "It's the shits, huh?" Brian laughs uncomfortably. Giving you a quick glance.

You turn your attention away in time to witness Bender throwing his paper at the girl who's sitting in front of you. But miss by a longshot. Both the girl and the boy next to her ignore the ball. 'That was impressive' you sarcastically think. Going back to drawing and ignoring Bender randomly singing to himself.

" I can't believe this is really happening to me..." The girl mutter to himself, sounding very familiar to you. Before you could give it more thought, Bender slams his hands on the table. Causing you to flinch and along with everyone else.

"Oh, shit! What're we s'posed to do if we hafta take a piss?" Bender asks, looking between the girl, boy and you who give him your attention. Your eyes went widen with worry until you have a hint of what he's up to. Which is to pee in the room to get a reaction. You give him a glare, challenging him to not continue with his plan. "Don't you dare" you mutter softly. In which Bender gives a smirk.

"Please" The girl comments disgusted. But Bender shrugs his shoulders, " If you gotta go..." he unzips his fly, " You gotta go!". You slam your hands on the table, creating another loud bang. "For fuck sakes man!" You cry out, quickly getting up and moving away from the table.

" Oh my God!" The girl cries out as she spins away from Bender. "Hey, you're not urinating in here man!" The boy cries out. Telling Bender off. " Don't talk! Don't talk! It makes it crawl back up!" Bender commands, trying to piss in the room. You turn away and give a quick glance at the blue jacket sports guy. Recognizing his as Andrew, the sports from Thursday.

"You whip it out and you're dead before the first drop hits the floor!" Andrew threats. Bender gasp mockingly, staring at Andrew. "You're pretty sexy when you get

Angry...grrr!" Bender growl as he zips his pants up. You roll your eyes and walk away, going to lead against the desk the red-hair sits on.

"Hey, homeboy", Bender calls out to Brian, his next victim. Brian looks at Bender and points to himself with his pen. Confuse on whos 'homeboy'. "why don't you go close that door. We'll get the prom queen and music player impregnated!" Bender advises with a fat grin on his face.

You scoff at the comment, not impress at all while the red-hair spins in her chair to glare at Bender. "Really dude?" You comment, giving Bender a disliking glance while he continues to smirk. "Hey!" Andrew calls out, trying to grab Bender's attention who ignores him to stare at you.

"Hey!" Andrew tries again and succeeded in getting Bender's attention. "What?" Bender asks with an annoyed tone.

" If I lose my temper, you're totalled, man!"

" Totally?"


Red-hair jumps into the conversation, glaring at Bender," Why don't you just shut up! Nobody here is interested!". "Really!" Andrew agrees with her, they both turn away from him. While you switch back and forth between them to Bender. Bender gives you a confused look which you return with a shrug.

"Well hey Sporto! " Bender begins getting up to sit on the railing next to Andrew," What'd you do to get in here? Forget to wash your jock?" He pokes fun. Hoping to get a reaction.

"Uh, excuse me, fellas? I think we should just write our papers" Brian intervenes nervously. Hoping everyone will settle down.

" Look," Andrew comments, turning to look at Bender sitting on the railing," just because you live in here doesn't give you the right to be a pain in the knock it off!". Bender mocks a fake pain look before continuing. "It's a free country."

"He has a point" you comment since Bender indeed has a point. Andrew and the red-hair turn to look at you disapprovingly while Bender gives a smile. "He's just doing it to get a rise out of you! Just ignore him" The red-hair, you now recognised as Claire, say to Andrew.

" couldn't ignore me if you tried!" Bender challenge. In which Claire roll her eyes."So" Bender begins," so! Are you guys like boyfriend/girlfriend?" Bender asks but no response.

"Steady dates?"

No response.

" Lo--vers?"

No response.

"Come on Sporto, level with me. Do you slip her the hot...beef...injection?"

" Go to hell!" Claire scream, furious at Bender.

" Enough!" Andrew yells in annoyance.

"Dude, I've never heard anyone say that expression before, what the fuck?" Your comment, surprise. Earning a chuckle from Bender. "Hey! What's going on in there?" you all hear Vernon shout. You and Bender jump over the table to get to your chairs you were previously sitting. Just in time, as Vernon sticks his head to see everyone sitting.

"Smug little pricks!" you faintly hear Vernon said as he rolls on his chair back into his office. No longer in sight. Everyone pause for a moment before Bender taps on your shoulder, signalling you to follow. You get up and follow Bender as he sits on the railing. Looking back at Claire and Andrew.

"Scumbag!" Andrew mutters at Bender, watching you hop up and sit next to Bender.

"What do you say we close that door. We can't have any kind of party with Vernon checking us out every few seconds." Bender points out. " Well, you know the door's s'posed to stay open" Brian points out weakly. "So what?" Bender dismiss.

"So why don't you just shut up! There are five other people in here you know." Andrew points out, trying to get Bender to shut up. For some unexplained reason, you find amusement in how Andrew counted. " congratulations you can count" you snort, making Bender chuckle.

"See! I knew you had to be smart to be a...a wrestler." Bender remark, nudging your arm. Hoping to get you to laugh.

"Who the hell are you to judge anybody anyway?"

"Really" Claire comment, agreeing with Andrew.

"You know, don't even count. I mean if you disappeared forever it wouldn't make any difference. You may as well not even exist at this school." Andrew comments. Bender pause, taking in what Andrew said, not showing the impact those words have on him but you saw that hesitation of hurt.

A silence falls until you broke it.

"Dude, what the fuck?" 

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